Friday, May 08, 2009

New Books 5/8/2009

New Books 5/8/2009


000's - Computer Science

005.133 C1111d 1998 -- C++ for dummies by Stephen R. Davis
005.43 S7828a6 -- Operating systems by William Stallings

100's -- Philosophy & Pyschology

133.10943 R6663 -- The last witch of Langenburg by Thomas Willard Robissheaux
155.26 H9729 -- Making a difference by being yourself by Gregory E. Huszczo
155.418 G947a5 -- Guiding children's social development
170.44 D916 -- Uncommon by Tony Dungy
179.9 K796 -- Trust by Marek Kohn

300's -- Social Sciences

302 G543 -- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
302.231 T175 -- Grown up digital by Don Tapscott
302.5450973 O449 -- The lonely American by Jacqueline Olds
305.48 B327y -- The Black girl next door by Jennider Lynn Baszile
305.800973 R712 -- How race survived US history by David R. Roediger
320.557094 P229 -- The new frontiers of Jihad by Alison Pargeter
323 K537ys -- King's dream by Eric J. Sundquist
333.7206073 M1352 -- Green, inc. by Christine C. MacDonald
338.542 P192 -- Panic edited by Michael Lewis
338.7610067 A595 -- Stealing myspace by Julia Angwin
362.50973 P644 -- A people's history of poverty in America by Stephen Pimpare
363.72 G3489 -- The big nexessity by Rose George
372.21 M8791a11 -- Early childhood education today by George S. Morrison
372.21 Y63ar -- Roots & wings by Stacey York

400's -- Languages

420.9 M1773 -- Our magnificent bastard tongue by John H. McWhorter

500's Sciences

523.4922 T994 -- The Pluto files by Neil deGrasse Tyson
553.622 W447 -- Sand by Michael Welland
576.8 C8817 -- Why evolution is true by Jerry A. Coyne

600's - Technology

613.2 D7956a5 -- Nutrition for foodservice and culinary professionals by Karen Eich Drummond
613.71019 S466 -- 10-minute toughness by Jason Selk
617.60068 M6435 -- Dynamic denistry by Linda L. Miles
618.76 S5552y -- Down came the rain by Brooke Shields
658.314 C683 -- Engaging the hearts and minds of all your employees
658.314 D424 -- Leading without power by Max De Pree
658.4083 M2358 -- Stratgies for the green economy by Joel Makower
658.5 M1691 -- Total capacity management by Carol Jean McNair

700's -- Arts & Recreation

700.820971 P8987 -- Independent spirit by A.K. Prakash
709 A7841 -- Art
780.8996073 P4378 -- Lift every voice by Burton W. Peretti
786.2183 P96496 -- The people's artist by Simon Alexander Morrison
791.4302 B7962y -- On the couch by Lorraine Bracco
791.430233 C6728y -- The philosophy of the Coen brothers

800's Literature

808.51 L437 -- Say it like Obama by Shelly Leanne
813.54 F4942k -- Killer instinct by Joseph Finder
822.33 D G213 -- Shakespeare and modern culture by Marjorie B. Garber
823.92 K458l -- The last Templar by Raymond Khoury

900's History & Geography

917.210484 D179 -- The border by David J. Danelo
940.548673 P466 -- Piercing the Reich by Joseph E. Persico
951.93 N865a5 -- North Korea
956.70443 O451 -- How to get out of Iraq with integrity by Brendan O'Leary
973.7 L738yc -- Mrs. Lincoln by Catherine Clinton
973.7 L736ymc -- Abraham Lincoln by George S. McGovern
973.7 L736yk -- The Baltimore plot by Michael J. Kline
973.7115 B5341y -- The ties that bind by Bertice Berry
973.73 L4798ac -- Robert E. Lee on leadership by H.W. Crocker
973.917 F671 -- New Deal or raw deal? by Burton W. Folsom
973.917 R7816yc -- Nothing to fear by Adam Cohen

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