Tuesday, May 01, 2012

New Titles 5/1/2012

New Titles : May 1, 2012

111 W136
Wahl, Jean André, 1888-1974.   A short history of existentialism / by Jean Wahl ; tr. from the French by Forrest Williams and Stanley Maron.   New York : Philosophical Library, c1949. 
128.4609 M4674
May, Simon (Simon Philip Walter).   Love : a history / Simon May.   New Haven : Yale University Press, c2011. 
133.9 G2332
Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940.   The shadow world / by Hamlin Garland.   New York ; London : Harper & Brothers, 1908. 
141.308 H6852
Hochfield, George, ed.   Selected writings of the American transcendentalists. Edited with an introd. by George Hochfield.   New York, New American Library [1966]. 
155.264 S5291
Shape up your program! : tips, teasers & thoughts for type trainers / collected and compiled by Margaret U. Fields and Jean B. Reid.   Gainesville, Fla. : Center for Applications of Psychological Type, c1999. 
155.332 J688a2
Johnson, Robert A., 1921-.   He : understanding masculine psychology / Robert A. Johnson.   Rev. ed.   New York : Perennial Library, c1989. 
155.333 J688a2
Johnson, Robert A., 1921-.   She : understanding feminine psychology / Robert A. Johnson.   Rev. ed.   New York : Perennial Library, c1989. 
158.1 F6449
Flowers, Steve.   Living with your heart wide open : how mindfulness & compassion can free you from unworthiness, inadequacy & shame / Steve Flowers, Bob Stahl.   Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Pub., c2011. 
168 M2352
Makau, Josina M.   Reasoning and communication : thinking critically about arguments / Josina M. Makau.   Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1990. 

277.3 H3423
Harvey, Paul, 1961-.   Through the storm, through the night : a history of African American Christianity / Paul Harvey.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011. 
299.936 R3796
Reitman, Janet.   Inside scientology : the story of America's most secretive religion / Janet Reitman.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. 

301.427 R367
Reingold, Carmel Berman.   How to be happy if you marry again : all about children, money, sex, lawyers, ex-husbands, ex-wives, and past memories / Carmel Berman Reingold.   1st Perennial library ed.   New York : Harper & Row, 1977, c1976. 
306.81 L214a10
Lamanna, Mary Ann.   Marriages & families : making choices in a diverse society / Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann.   10th ed.   Belmont, Calif. : Thomson, c2009. 
306.85019 S2534
Satir, Virginia.   The new peoplemaking / by Virginia Satir.   Mountain View, Calif. : Science and Behavior Books, c1988. 
324.6208996 D844
Dudden, Faye E.   Fighting chance : the struggle over woman suffrage and Black suffrage in Reconstruction America / Faye E. Dudden.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2011. 
330.90511 L6752
Lewis, Michael (Michael M.).   Boomerang : travels in the new Third World / Michael Lewis.   1st ed.   New York : W.W. Norton & Co., c2011. 
330.973 L482
Leeb, Stephen, 1946-.   Red alert : how China's growing prosperity threatens the American way of life / Stephen Leeb with Greg Dorsey.   1st ed.   New York : Business Plus, 2011. 
332.6 C828
Cortese, Amy, 1961-.   Locavesting : the revolution in local investing and how to profit from it / Amy Cortese.   Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011. 
333.79 Y474
Yergin, Daniel.   The quest : energy, security and the remaking of the modern world / by Daniel Yergin.   New York : Penguin Press, 2011. 
333.91 W3245
Michigan. Environmental Protection Bureau.   Water quality and pollution control in Michigan.   [Lansing] : Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Bureau, 1977. 
338.04 W9839y
Wyly, Sam.   Beyond Tallulah : how Sam Wyly became America's boldest big-time entrepreneur / by Sam Wyly.   1st ed.   New York : Melcher Media, c2011. 
338.0973 H788
Hoopes, James, 1944-.   Corporate dreams : big business in American democracy from the Great Depression to the great recession / James Hoopes.   New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2011. 
346.730173 C5244a2
Chesler, Phyllis.   Mothers on trial : the battle for children and custody / Phyllis Chesler.   Rev. and updated 2nd ed.   Chicago, Ill. : Lawrence Hill Books, c2011. 
349.73 C5681
Cicchini, Michael D., 1967-.   But they didn't read me my rights! : myths, oddities, and lies about our legal system / Michael D. Cicchini and Amy B. Kushner.   Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2010. 
355.033573 G544
Glain, Stephen.   State vs. Defense : the battle to define America's empire / Stephen Glain.   1st ed.   New York : Crown Publishers, c2011. 
361.6092273 L7224
A life inspired : tales of Peace Corps service.   U.S. govt. official ed.   Washington, DC : Peace Corps : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [2006]. 
362.1968582 A2378
Adler, Patricia A.   The tender cut : inside the hidden world of self-injury / Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler.   New York : New York University Press, c2011. 
362.19897 G6465
A Good old age? : the paradox of Setting limits / edited by Paul Homer and Martha Holstein ; afterword by Daniel Callahan.   New York : Simon & Schuster, c1990. 
364.150973 E338
Ehrlich, Howard J.   Hate crimes and ethnoviolence : the history, current affairs, and future of discrimination in America / essays by Howard J. Ehrlich.   Boulder, CO : Westview Press, c2009. 
364.1623209 S5619
Shteir, Rachel, 1964-.   The steal : a cultural history of shoplifting / Rachel Shteir.   New York : Penguin Press, 2011. 
364.1662 L6657
Levine, Robert, 1970-.   Free ride : how digital parasites are destroying the culture business, and how the culture business can fight back / Robert Levine.   1st ed.   New York : Doubleday, c2011. 
364.3740973 W87224
Women and crime in America / edited by Lee H. Bowker.   New York : Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan, c1981. 
371.3 B6471
Blended learning : across the disciplines, across the academy / edited by Francine S. Glazer ; foreword by James Rhem.   1st ed.   Sterling, Va. : Stylus, 2012. 
378.12 A2447
Advancing the culture of teaching on campus : how a teaching center can make a difference / edited by Constance E. Cook and Matthew Kaplan ; foreword by Lester P. Monts.   1st ed.   Sterling, Va. : Stylus Pub., c2011. 
378.170281 C3232a6
Carter, Carol.   Keys to effective learning : study skills and habits for success / Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits.   6th ed.   Boston : Pearson Allyn & Bacon, c2011. 
379.263 M3291
Margolick, David.   Elizabeth and Hazel : two women of Little Rock / David Margolick.   New Haven : Yale University Press, c2011. 

428.4071 L2718a5
Langan, John, 1942-.   Ten steps to advancing college reading skills / John Langan.   5th ed.   West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2010. 
428.4071 L2718b5
Langan, John, 1942-.   Ten steps to building college reading skills / John Langan.   5th ed.   West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2011. 

512 M3685
Marshall, Jason.   The math dude's quick and dirty guide to algebra / Jason Marshall.   1st ed.   New York, N.Y. : St. Martin's Griffin, 2011. 
519.5 C638a2
Cliffsnotes statistics : quickreview / by David H. Voelker ... [et al.].   2nd ed.   Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2011. 
598 U62
Unwin, Mike.   The atlas of birds : diversity, behavior, and conservation / Mike Unwin.   Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011. 

613.20945 L4256
Lawson, Tracey.   A year in the village of eternity : the lifestyle of longevity in Campodimele, Italy / Tracey Lawson.   1st U.S. ed.   New York : Bloomsbury, 2011. 
613.262 N856
Norris, Jack, RD.   Vegan for life : everything you need to know to be healthy and fit on a plant-based diet / Jack Norris, Virginia Messina.   1st Da Capo Press ed.   Cambridge, MA : Da Capo Press, 2011. 
615.852 G284
Gawler, Ian.   Meditation : an in-depth guide / Ian Gawler and Paul Bedson.   New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2011. 
616.8521 Z397
Zayfert, Claudia.   When someone you love suffers from posttraumatic stress : what to expect and what you can do / Claudia Zayfert, Jason C. DeViva.   New York : Guilford Press, c2011. 
616.91 W8554
Wolfe, Nathan.   The viral storm : the dawn of a new pandemic age / Nathan Wolfe.   1st ed.   New York : Times Books, 2011. 
629.2275 G383
Gerst, Matthias.   Harley Davidson : all the motorcycles 1903-1983 / Matthias Gerst ; [translation by Jeremy Churchill].   Sparkford, UK : Haynes Pub. ; Newbury Park, CA : Haynes North America Inc., c2009. 
629.2275 G4923
Gingerelli, Dain, 1949-.   365 motorcycles you must ride / Dain Gingerelli, James Manning Michels and Charles Everitt.   Minneapolis, MN : Motorbooks ; London : Aurum [distributor], 2010. 
635.9671 S6355
Small green roofs : low-tech options for greener living / Nigel Dunnett ... [et al.].   Portland, Or. : Timber Press, 2011. 
658.403 B8237
Brassard, Michael.   The memory jogger plus+ : featuring the seven management and planning tools / by Michael Brassard.   1st ed.   Methuen, MA : GOAL/QPC, c1989. 
658.408 B6178
Birchard, Bill.   Merchants of virtue : Herman Miller and the making of a sustainable company / Bill Birchard.   New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 
686.22 W5822a2
White, Alex (Alex W.).   The Elements of Graphic Design : Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type / Alex W. White.   Second Edition.   New York, NY : Allworth Press, [2011], ©2011. 

701.1 B489
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959.   Seeing and knowing.   London, Chapman & Hall, 1953. 
701.15 M259
Malraux, André, 1901-1976.   The voices of silence. Translated by Stuart Gilbert.   Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1953. 
709.51 M9699
Munsterberg, Hugo, 1916-1995.   A short history of Chinese art.   New York, Philosophical Library [1949]. 
711.40973 J173
Jacobs, Jane, 1916-2006.   The death and life of great American cities.   [New York] Vintage Books, [1961]. 
759.9492 R385yd
Detroit Institute of Arts.   The thirteenth loan exhibition of old masters, paintings by Rembrandt : The Detroit Institute of Arts, May 2 to 31, 1930.   Detroit : The Institute, 1930. 
769.9795 S8497
Stewart, Hilary, 1924-.   Looking at Indian art of the Northwest Coast / Hilary Stewart.   Seattle : University of Washington Press, c1979. 
770.9 M8759
Morris, Errol.   Believing is seeing : observations on the mysteries of photography / Errol Morris.   New York : Penguin Press, 2011. 
791.450973 S5293
Shapiro, Ben.   Primetime propaganda : the true Hollywood story of the how the left took over your TV / Ben Shapiro.   1st ed.   New York : Broadside Books, 2011. 
792.028 L7767y
Lithgow, John, 1945-.   Drama : an actor's education / John Lithgow.   1st ed.   New York : Harper, c2011. 

803 S9665
Sutherland, John, 1938-.   How literature works : 50 key concepts / John Sutherland.   Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2011. 
808 R9646
Russell, Karin L.   WriteNow : read, think, research, persuade, communicate / Karin L. Russell.   1st ed.   New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 
808.042 A611a5
Anker, Susan.   Real writing : paragraphs and essays for college, work, and everyday life / Susan Anker.   5th ed.   Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2010. 
808.042 A611s
Anker, Susan.   Real skills : sentences and paragraphs for college, work, and everyday life / Susan Anker ; with illustrations by Suzy Becker.   Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2007. 
808.042 R971a8
Ruszkiewicz, John J., 1950-.   The Scott Foresman handbook for writers / John Ruskiewicz, Christy Friend, Maxine Hairston.   8th ed.   Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 
808.0420712 T2537
Teaching writing in high school and college : conversations and collaborations / edited by Thomas C. Thompson.   Urbana, Ill. : National Council of Teachers of English, c2002. 
811.54 C6929w
Coleman, Wanda.   The world falls away / Wanda Coleman.   Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2011. 
811.54 H3197s
Harrison, Jim, 1937-.   Songs of unreason / Jim Harrison.   Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon Press, c2011. 
813.52 R186yb
Burns, Jennifer, 1975-.   Goddess of the market : Ayn Rand and the American Right / Jennifer Burns.   New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011, c2009. 
813.54 H4773yd
Daugherty, Tracy.   Just one catch : a biography of Joseph Heller / Tracy Daugherty.   1st ed.   New York : St. Martin's Press, 2011. 
822.330945 R699
Roe, Richard Paul, 1922-2010.   The Shakespeare guide to Italy : retracing the Bard's unknown travels / Richard Paul Roe.   1st ed.   New York : Harper Perennial, c2011. 

910.91634 W7481
Wilson, Frances, 1964-.   How to survive the Titanic : the sinking of J. Bruce Ismay / Frances Wilson.   1st U.S. ed.   New York : HarperCollins Publishers, c2011. 
973.3 W8756
Wood, Gordon S.   The idea of America : reflections on the birth of the United States / Gordon S. Wood.   New York : Penguin Press, 2011. 
973.51 M1827yb
Brookhiser, Richard.   James Madison / Richard Brookhiser.   New York, NY : Basic Books, c2011. 

Career Collection
Career 006.70023 T712
Tortorella, Neil.   Starting your career as a freelance web designer / Neil Tortorella.   New York : Allworth Press, c2011. 

Juvenile Collection
J 813 W5836
White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1899-1985.   Charlotte's web / E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams ; watercolors of Garth Williams artwork by Rosemary Wells.   Collector's ed., 1st ed.   New York : HarperCollins Publishers, [1999]. 

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