Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Titles - 10/30/2012

New Titles - 10/30/2012

130 G647
Goode, Erich.   The paranormal : who believes, why they believe, and why it matters / Erich Goode.   Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2011. 

149.73 H3193
Harrison, Guy P.   50 popular beliefs that people think are true / Guy P. Harrison ; [illustrations by Kevin Hand ; foreword by Phil Plait].   Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012. 

153.4 H2247
Hammerness, Paul Graves.   Organize your mind, organize your life : train your brain to get more done in less time / Paul Hammerness & Margaret Moore ; with John Hanc.   New York : Harlequin, c2012. 

155.232 C1355
Cain, Susan.   Quiet : the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking / Susan Cain.   1st ed.   New York : Crown Publishers, c2012. 

158.1 B6587
Blumenthal, Brett.   52 small changes : one year to a happier, healthier you / Brett Blumenthal.   [Seattle?] : AmazonEncore, c2011. 

158.1 D871
Duhigg, Charles.   The power of habit : why we do what we do in life and business / Charles Duhigg.   1st ed.   New York : Random House, c2012. 

174.4 H399
Hawthorne, Fran.   Ethical chic : the inside story of the companies we think we love / Fran Hawthorne.   Boston : Beacon Press, c2012. 

227.06 G7815
Gray, Patrick, 1970-.   Opening Paul's letters : a reader's guide to genre and interpretation / Patrick Gray.   Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2012. 

289.322 G9847
Gutjahr, Paul C., author.   The Book of Mormon : a biography / Paul C. Gutjahr.   Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2012], ©2012. 

299.675 A472
Alvarado, Denise.   The voodoo hoodoo spellbook / Denise Alvarado ; [foreword by Doktor Snake].   San Francisco, CA : Weiser Books, 2011. 

299.94 G861
Grimassi, Raven, 1951-.   Old world witchcraft : ancient ways for modern days / Raven Grimassi.   San Francisco : Weiser Books, 2011. 

302.14 S4782
Sennett, Richard, 1943-.   Together : the rituals, pleasures, and politics of cooperation / Richard Sennett.   New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, c2012. 

303.48209 G936
Guest, Robert.   Borderless economics : Chinese sea turtles, Indian fridges and the new fruits of global capitalism / Robert Guest.   1st ed.   New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 

306.270973 M1797
Maddow, Rachel.   Drift : the unmooring of American military power / Rachel Maddow.   1st ed.   New York : Crown, c2012. 

306.362 W182yn
Nathans, Sydney.   To free a family : the journey of Mary Walker / Sydney Nathans.   Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c2012. 

306.77 B5135
Berkowitz, Eric.   Sex and punishment : four thousand years of judging desire / Eric Berkowitz.   Berkeley, CA : Counterpoint : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2012. 

306.775 W431
Weiss, Margot Danielle, 1973-.   Techniques of pleasure : BDSM and the circuits of sexuality / Margot Weiss.   Durham : Duke University Press, 2011. 

320.520973 F6635
Foley, Elizabeth Price.   The Tea Party : three principles / Elizabeth Price Foley.   New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. 

324.973 C6391
Clift, Eleanor.   Selecting a president / Eleanor Clift and Matthew Spieler.   1st ed.   New York : Thomas Dunne Books, 2012. 

327.1747 T222
Taubman, Philip.   The partnership : five cold warriors and their quest to ban the bomb / Philip Taubman.   1st ed.   New York : Harper, c2012. 

327.4107309 W5873
White, Philip.   Our supreme task : how Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech defined the Cold War alliance / Philip White.   1st ed.   New York : PublicAffairs, c2012. 

330 C6782
Cohen, Daniel, 1953-.   The prosperity of vice : a worried view of economics / Daniel Cohen ; translated by Susan Emanuel.   Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2012. 

330 T2468
Taylor, Timothy, 1960-.   The instant economist : everything you need to know about how the economy works / Timothy Taylor.   New York : Plume, c2012. 

330.156 K446yb
Backhouse, Roger, 1951-.   Capitalist revolutionary : John Maynard Keynes / Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman.   Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2011. 

331.89 I881
It started in Wisconsin : dispatches from the front lines of the new labor protest / edited by Mari Jo Buhle and Paul Buhle ; with an introduction by John Nichols ; and an afterword by Michael Moore.   London ; New York : Verso, 2011. 

332.024 S6869
Solin, Daniel R.   The smartest money book you'll ever read : everything you need to know about growing, spending, and enjoying your money / Daniel R. Solin.   New York, NY : Perigee Book, 2012. 

332.743 H9965
Hyman, Louis, 1977-.   Borrow : the American way of debt / Louis Hyman.   New York : Vintage Books, c2012. 

333.720973 L297
Lanza, Michael.   Before they're gone : a family's year-long quest to explore America's most endangered national parks / Michael Lanza.   Boston : Beacon Press, c2012. 

338.476153 H4348
Healy, David, MRC Psych.   Pharmageddon / David Healy.   Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012. 

339.220973 N7399
Noah, Timothy.   The great divergence : America's growing inequality crisis and what we can do about it / Timothy Noah ; illustrations by Catherine Mulbrandon.   1st U.S. ed.   New York, NY : Bloomsbury, 2012. 

342.73087 L4217yc
Carpenter, Dale, 1966-.   Flagrant conduct : the story of Lawrence v. Texas : how a bedroom arrest decriminalized gay Americans / Dale Carpenter.   1st ed.   New York : W.W. Norton, c2012. 

345.757 E484yb
Bonner, Raymond.   Anatomy of injustice : a murder case gone wrong / Raymond Bonner.   1st ed.   New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. 

346.730482 D293
Decherney, Peter.   Hollywood's copyright wars : from Edison to the internet / Peter Decherney.   New York : Columbia University Press, c2012. 

347.732634 S8448
Stevens, John Paul, 1920-.   Five chiefs : a Supreme Court memoir / John Paul Stevens.   1st ed.   New York : Little, Brown, 2011. 

361.763 O121y
Obama, Auma, 1960-.   And then life happens : a memoir / Auma Obama ; translated by Ross Benjamin.   1st U.S. ed.   New York : St. Martin's Press, 2012. 

362.1 G4499
Gibson, Rosemary, 1956-.   The battle over health care : what Obama's reform means for America's future / Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers : Distributed by National Book Network, c2012. 

362.2960973 P96415
Proctor, Robert, 1954-.   Golden holocaust : origins of the cigarette catastrophe and the case for abolition / Robert N. Proctor.   Berkeley : University of California Press, c2011. 

363.325 P446
Peritz, Aki.   Find, fix, finish : inside the counterterrorism campaigns that killed Bin Laden and devastated Al-Qaeda / Aki Peritz & Eric Rosenbach.   1st ed.   New York : PublicAffairs, c2012. 

363.4702854 O5893
Online pornography / David E. Nelson, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

363.738 T3291
Terry, Beth.   Plastic-free : how I kicked the plastic habit and you can too / Beth Terry.   New York : Skyhorse Pub., c2012. 

364.1524 K537ywe
Wexler, Stuart.   The awful grace of God : religious terrorism, white supremacy, and the unsolved murder of Martin Luther King Jr. / Stuart Wexler and Larry Hancock.   Berkeley, CA : Counterpoint : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2012. 

364.360973 J97
Juvenile crime / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor.   Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

371.1 W7886
Winters, Marcus A.   Teachers matter : rethinking how public schools identify, reward, and retain great educators / Marcus A. Winters.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012. 

375.0086 H7111
Hoffman, Nancy.   Schooling in the workplace : how six of the world's best vocational education systems prepare young people for jobs and life / Nancy Hoffman.   Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Education Press, c2011. 

379.2609759 D4863
Deutsch, Stephanie.   You need a schoolhouse : Booker T. Washington, Julius Rosenwald, and the building of schools for the segregated South / Stephanie Deutsch.   Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, c2011. 

379.73 R476
Rhodes, Jesse H. (Jesse Hessler), 1980-.   An education in politics : the origins and evolution of No Child Left Behind / Jesse H. Rhodes.   Ithaca [N.Y.] : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

381.34 Y32
Yates, Jon.   What's your problem? / Jon Yates.   1st ed.   New York : William Morrow, c2011. 

540.922 B8784
Brown, Jeannette E. (Jeannette Elizabeth), 1934-.   African American women chemists / Jeannette E. Brown.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2012. 

541.39 A874
Atkins, P. W. (Peter William), 1940-.   Reactions : the private life of atoms / by Peter Atkins.   Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. 

550 H4299
Hazen, Robert M., 1948-.   The story of Earth : the first 4.5 billion years, from stardust to living planet / Robert M. Hazen.   New York : Viking, 2012. 

577.309768 H349
Haskell, David George.   The forest unseen : a year's watch in nature / David George Haskell.   New York : Viking, 2012. 

591.5 S6665
Smoller, Jordan W., 1961-.   The other side of normal : how biology is providing the clues to unlock the secrets of normal and abnormal behavior / Jordan Smoller.   1st ed.   New York : William Morrow, 2012. 

598.8 Y736
Young, Jon, 1960-.   What the robin knows : how birds reveal the secrets of the natural world / Jon Young ; with science and audio editing by Dan Gardoqui.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. 

599.9350973 S983
Sykes, Bryan.   DNA USA : a genetic portrait of America / Bryan Sykes.   New York : Liveright Pub. Corp., c2012. 

610.285 M3295
Margolis, Jeff, 1963-.   The healthcare cure : how sharing information can make the system work better / Jeff Margolis.   Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2011. 

612.39 T142
Talbott, Shawn M.   The secret of vigor : how to overcome burnout, restore metabolic balance and reclaim your natural energy / Shawn M. Talbott.   Alameda, CA : Hunter House, c2012. 

613 A2847
Agus, David, 1965-.   The end of illness / David B. Agus with Kristin Loberg.   1st Free Press hardcover ed.   New York : Free Press, 2012. 

613.69 B4117
Bedford, Lisa.   Survival mom : the modern family's guide to any apocalypse / Lisa Bedford.   1st ed.   New York : HarperOne, c2012. 

613.69 S3584
Schneider, Bonnie.   Extreme weather : a guide to surviving flash floods, severe snowstorms, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters / Bonnie Schneider ; foreword by Max Mayfield.   New York City : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 

613.96 K644
Klein, Marty.   Sexual intelligence : what we really want from sex--and how to get it / by Marty Klein.   1st ed.   New York : HarperOne, c2012. 

615.7042 G6182
Gold, Robert Steven, 1957-.   Are your meds making you sick? : a pharmacist's guide to avoiding dangerous drug interactions, reactions and side-effects / Robert Steven Gold.   Almeda, CA : Hunter House, 2011. 

616.4620654 M4671
May, Michelle.   Eat what you love, love what you eat, with diabetes : a mindful eating program for thriving with prediabetes or diabetes / Michelle May, with Megrette Fletcher.   Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Publications, c2012. 

616.62 K1933
Kassai, Kathryn.   The bathroom key : put an end to incontinence / Kathryn Kassai and Kim Perelli ; foreword by Jill G. Byers.   New York, NY : Demos Health, 2012. 

616.85882 S3681
Scholars with autism achieving dreams / Lars Perner, editor.   Sedona : Auricle Books, c2012. 

616.861 R7971
Rose, Mark Edmund.   Alcohol : its history, pharmacology, and treatment / Mark Edmund Rose and Cheryl J. Cherpitel.   Center City, MN : Hazelden, c2011. 

616.9045 S8273
Stepan, Nancy.   Eradication : ridding the world of diseases forever? / Nancy Leys Stepan.   Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, c2011. 

616.97 F235
Farnan, Rose.   What nurses know-- HIV/AIDS / Rose Farnan, Maithe Enriquez.   New York : Demos Health, c2012. 

618.92 L727y
Likens, Aaron.   Finding Kansas : living and decoding Asperger's syndrome / Aaron Likens.   1st ed.   New York, N.Y. : Penguin, c2012. 

633.79 C419
Cervantes, Jorge.   Marijuana horticulture : the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible / by Jorge Cervantes.   [Sacramento, CA] : Van Patten Pub., c2006. 

635.9 W7696
Wingate, Marty.   Landscaping for privacy : innovative ways to turn your outdoor space into a peaceful retreat / Marty Wingate.   Portland : Timber Press, 2011. 

635.926965 C6165
Clausen, Ruth Rogers, 1938-.   50 beautiful deer-resistant plants : the prettiest annuals, perennials, bulbs, and shrubs that deer don't eat / Ruth Rogers Clausen ; photographs by Alan L. Detrick.   Portland, Or. : Timber Press, 2011. 

636.7103 D496
De Vito, Dominique.   The encyclopedia of dog breeds / Dominique De Vito, with Heather Russell-Revesz and Stephanie Fornino.   Neptune City, NJ : T.F.H., c2011. 

637.309 K519
Kindstedt, Paul.   Cheese and culture : a history of cheese and its place in western civilization / Paul S. Kindstedt.   White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green Pub., c2012. 

639.9798 P9529
Primate people : saving nonhuman primates through education, advocacy, & sanctuary / edited by Lisa Kemmerer ; foreword by Marc Bekoff.   Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c2012. 

641.555 K781
Koenig, Debbie.   Parents need to eat too : nap-friendly cooking, one-handed meals, and time-saving kitchen tricks for new parents / Debbie Koenig ; foreword by Lara Field.   1st ed.   New York : William Morrow, c2012. 

641.631 P768
Polisi, Wendy.   The quintessential quinoa cookbook : eat great, lose weight, feel healthy / Wendy Polisi.   New York : Skyhorse Pub., c2011. 

641.6526 P9533
Primeau, Liz.   In pursuit of garlic : an intimate look at the divinely odorous bulb / Liz Primeau.   Vancouver : Greystone Books, c2012. 

646.48 B4719
Bennett, Laura, 1963-.   Handmade chic : fashionable projects that look high-end, not homespun / Laura Bennett.   Emmaus, Pa. : Rodale : Distributed by Macmillan, c2012. 

658.3 N814
The nonprofit's guide to human resources : managing your employees & volunteers / Jan Masaoka.   1st ed.   Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2011. 

709 B528ym
Mormando, Franco.   Bernini : his life and his Rome / Franco Mormando.   Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2011. 

746.92 B3486
Baumgartner, Jennifer J.   You are what you wear : what your clothes reveal about you / Jennifer J. Baumgartner.   1st Da Capo Press ed.   Boston : Da Capo Press, 2012. 

778.936 H4667
Heilman, Carl, 1954-.   The landscape photography field guide : capturing the great outdoors with your digital SLR camera / Carl Heilman II.   Amsterdam ; Boston : Focal Press, c2011. 

782.421649 K1988
Katz, Mark, 1970-.   Groove music : the art and culture of the hip-hop DJ / Mark Katz.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2012. 

796.332 R6468
Roberts, Randy, 1951-.   A team for America : the Army-Navy game that rallied a nation / Randy Roberts.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. 

810.9 B8151e
Bram, Christopher.   Eminent outlaws : the gay writers who changed America / Christopher Bram.   1st ed.   New York : Twelve, 2012. 

810.9 H4179
Hayes, Kevin J.   A journey through American literature / Kevin J. Hayes.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2012. 

811.54 A816f
Asekoff, L. S. (Louis S.), 1939-.   Freedom Hill : a poem / L.S. Asekoff.   [Evanston, Ill.] : TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press, 2011. 

811.6 H23614m
Hand, Monica A.   Me and Nina : poems / by Monica A. Hand.   Farmington, Me. : Alice James Books, c2012. 

813.08766 B6661
Bodart, Joni Richards.   They suck, they bite, they eat, they kill : the psychological meaning of supernatural monsters in young adult fiction / Joni Richards Bodart.   Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2012. 

813.54 M882h
Morrison, Toni.   Home / Toni Morrison.   1st ed.   New York : Alfred A. Knopf ; Toronto : Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2012. 

813.6 S8647h
Stockett, Kathryn.   The help / Kathryn Stockett.   Movie tie-in trade pbk. ed.   New York, N.Y. : Berkley Books, 2011, c2009. 

818.60308 M732
The moment : wild, poignant, life-changing stories from 125 writers and artists famous & obscure / edited by Larry Smith.   1st ed.   New York : Harper Perennial, c2012. 

822.33 D S5273
Shakespeare and religion : early modern and postmodern perspectives / edited by Ken Jackson and Arthur F. Marotti.   Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2011. 

940.5322 C8423
Costigliola, Frank, 1946-.   Roosevelt's lost alliances : how personal politics helped start the Cold War / Frank Costigliola.   Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2012. 

943.086 H675yw
Wilson, A. N., 1950-.   Hitler / A.N. Wilson.   New York : Basic Books, c2012. 

966.62033 G291y
Gbowee, Leymah.   Mighty be our powers : how sisterhood, prayer, and sex changed a nation at war : a memoir / Leymah Gbowee with Carol Mithers.   New York : Beast ; London : Perseus Running [distributor], c2011. 

973.46 R194yk
Kierner, Cynthia A., 1958-.   Martha Jefferson Randolph, daughter of Monticello : her life and times / by Cynthia A. Kierner.   Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 2012. 

973.51 M1827ybr
Broadwater, Jeff.   James Madison : a son of Virginia & a founder of the nation / Jeff Broadwater.   Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 2012. 

973.52 S7798
Stagg, J. C. A. (John Charles Anderson), 1945-.   The War of 1812 : conflict for a continent / J. C. A. Stagg.   Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. 

973.911 W3173yd
Davis, Deborah, 1952-.   Guest of honor : Booker T. Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and the White House dinner that shocked a nation / by Deborah Davis.   1st Atria Books hardcover ed.   New York : Atria Books, c2012. 

978.752 B6274
Black, George, 1949-.   Empire of shadows : the epic story of Yellowstone / George Black.   1st ed.   New York : St. Martin's Press, 2012. 

985.185207 Y942
Yu, Hua, 1960-.   China in ten words / Yu Hua ; translated from the Chinese by Allan H. Barr.   1st American ed.   New York : Pantheon Books, c2011. 

Juvenile Literature
J 811 M1222u
McCall, Guadalupe Garcia.   Under the mesquite / Guadalupe Garcia McCall.   1st ed.   New York : Lee & Low Books, Inc., c2011. 

J 813 G2113d
Gantos, Jack.   Dead end in Norvelt / Jack Gantos.   1st ed.   New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 2011 (Harrisonburg, Virginia : RR Donnelley & Sons Company). 

J 813.6 W5525w
Whaley, John Corey.   Where things come back : a novel / by John Corey Whaley.   1st ed.   New York ; London ; Toronto ; Sydney : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2011. 

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