Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Titles - August 22, 2013

New Titles

August 22, 2013

070.43 A5456
Anderson, C. W. (Christopher William), 1977-.   Rebuilding the news : metropolitan journalism in the digital age / C. W. Anderson.   Philadelphia : Temple University Press, c2013. 

152.47 S5611
Shrand, Joseph, 1958-.   Outsmarting anger : 7 strategies for defusing our most dangerous emotion / Joseph Shrand, MD, with Leigh Devine, MS.   First edition. 

152.6 T831
Trimble, Michael R.   Why humans like to cry : tragedy, evolution and the brain / Michael Trimble.   Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012. 

153.83 G4931
Gino, Francesca.   Sidetracked : why our decisions get derailed, and how we can stick to the plan / Francesca Gino.   Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Review Press, c2013. 

155 K119
Kagan, Jerome.   The human spark : the science of human development / Jerome Kagan. 

297.63 M9521yh
Hazleton, Lesley, 1945-.   The first Muslim : the story of Muhammad / Lesley Hazleton.   New York : Riverhead Books, 2013. 

305.800977 J712
Johnson, Walter, 1967-.   River of dark dreams : slavery and empire in the cotton kingdom / Walter Johnson. 

306.1 T782
Travis, Tiffini A., 1971-.   Skinheads : a guide to an American subculture / Tiffini A. Travis and Perry Hardy.   Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2012. 

306.70811 M851
Morgentaler, Abraham.   Why men fake it : the totally unexpected truth about men and sex / Abraham Morgentaler.   New York : Henry Holt and Co., 2013. 

320.01 P7695
The Politics book.   1st American ed.   New York : DK Pub., 2013. 

323 K537yr
Rieder, Jonathan.   Gospel of freedom : Martin Luther King, Jr.'s letter from Birmingham Jail and the struggle that changed a nation / Jonathan Rieder.   First U.S. edition. 

327.73 H1129
Haass, Richard.   Foreign policy begins at home : the case for putting America's house in order / Richard N. Haass. 

330 R8788
Rowe, Jonathan, 1946-.   Our common wealth : the hidden economy that makes everything else work / by Jonathan Rowe ; edited by Peter Barnes ; foreword by Bill McKibben ; afterword by David Bollier.   First edition. 

333.95822 H6695
Hirschfeld, Erik.   The world's rarest birds / Erik Hirschfeld, Andy Swash & Robert Still ; with contributions by Nick Langley ... [et al.] ; and illustrations by Tomasz Cofta.   Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013. 

338.476834 D5429
Diaz, Tom.   The last gun : how changes in the gun industry are killing Americans and what it will take to stop it / Tom Diaz. 

342.73085 C5824
Civil liberties / Noël Merino, book editor. 

344.73078 H471
Heins, Marjorie.   Priests of our democracy : the Supreme Court, academic freedom, and the anti-communist purge / Marjorie Heins.   New York : New York University Press, c2013. 

345.730773 P4515
Perlin, Michael L., 1946-.   Mental disability and the death penalty : the shame of the states / Michael L. Perlin.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2013. 

349.7306 A955
Avery, Michael, 1944-.   The Federalist Society : how conservatives took the law back from liberals / Michael Avery and Danielle Mclaughlin.   Nashville, Tenn. : Vanderbilt University Press, c2013. 

355.345 L417
Lawhorne-Scott, Cheryl, 1968-.   Military mental health care : a guide for service members, veterans, families, and community / Cheryl Lawhorne and Don Philpott.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2013. 

355.8245 N381
Neer, Robert M., 1964-.   Napalm : an American biography / Robert M. Neer.   Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013. 

361.74 A187
Ács, Zoltán J.   Why philanthropy matters : how the wealthy give, and what it means for our economic well-being / Zoltan J. Acs.   Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2013. 

362.10973 T217
Tate, Nicholas, 1959-.   Obamacare survival guide / Nicholas J. Tate.   First edition. 

362.1783 O681
Organ donation / Margaret Haerens, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

363.25974 C4755
Charles, Douglas M.   The FBI's Obscene File : J. Edgar Hoover and the Bureau's crusade against smut / Douglas M. Charles.   Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c2012. 

363.960973 S6869
Solinger, Rickie, 1947-.   Reproductive politics : what everyone needs to know / Rickie Solinger.   Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013. 

364.1523 M1296
McConnell, David.   American honor killings : desire and rage among men / by David McConnell.   New York : Akashic Books, c2013. 

371.2913 C73779
Composing lives in transition : a narrative inquiry into the experiences of early school leavers / edited by D. Jean Clandinin, Pam Steeves, Vera Caine.   Bingley, UK : Emerald, c2013. 

372.97469 B514
Berler, Ron.   Raising the curve : a year inside one of America's 45,000* failing public schools / Ron Berler.   First edition. 

378.1543 S982
Sydow, Debbie.   Re-visioning community colleges : positioning for innovation / Debbie Sydow and Richard Alfred. 

523.8875 S3112
Scharf, Caleb A., 1968-.   Gravity's engines : how bubble-blowing black holes rule galaxies, stars, and life in the cosmos / Caleb Scharf.   1st ed.   New York : Scientific American/ Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012. 

523.92 L839
Lomb, Nick.   Transit of Venus : 1631 to the present / Nick Lomb.   1st North American ed.   New York : Experiment ; [New York] : Distributed by Workman Pub., 2012. 

551.31 J869
Jouzel, Jean, 1947-.   The white planet : the evolution and future of our frozen world / Jean Jouzel, Claude Lorius, and Dominique Raynaud ; translated from the French by Teresa Lavender Fagan.   Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013. 

551.457 H6822
Hobbs, C. H. (Carl Heywood), 1946-.   The beach book : science of the shore / Carl H. Hobbs.   New York : Columbia University Press, c2012. 

551.458 F151
Fagan, Brian M., author.   The attacking ocean : the past, present, and future of rising sea levels / Brian Fagan.   First U.S. edition. 

576.5 G3283
Genetic engineering (Merino).   Genetic engineering / Noël Merino, book editor. 

577.22 G5626
Global weirdness : severe storms, deadly heat waves, relentless drought, rising seas, and the weather of the future / Climate Central.   New York : Pantheon Books, c2012. 

599.88 D786
Drori, Ofir.   The last great ape : a journey through Africa and a fight for the heart of the continent / Ofir Drori and David McDannald.   1st Pegasus Books cloth ed.   New York, NY : Pegasus Books, 2012. 

612 A362
Aldersey-Williams, Hugh.   Anatomies : a cultural history of the human body / Hugh Aldersey-Williams.   First American edition. 

613.192 B8796
Brown, Richard P.   The healing power of the breath : simple techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance concentration, and balance your emotions / Richard Brown, Patricia Gerbarg.   Boston, Mass. : Trumpeter, c2012. 

613.2 M9134
Moss, Michael, 1955-.   Salt, sugar, fat : how the food giants hooked us / Michael Moss.   1st ed.   New York : Random House, [2013]. 

613.68 D2614
Davis, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1934-.   The international traveler's guide to avoiding infections / Charles E. Davis.   Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2012. 

614.563 W3198
Wasik, Bill.   Rabid : a cultural history of the world's most diabolical virus / Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy.   New York : Viking, 2012. 

615.852 Q53
Quest, Penelope.   Self-healing with reiki : how to create wholeness, harmony & balance for body, mind & spirit / Penelope Quest.   1st American ed.   New York, N.Y. : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2012. 

615.952345 C1879
Campbell, Greg.   Pot, Inc. : inside medical marijuana, America's most outlaw industry / Greg Campbell.   New York : Sterling, c2012. 

616.0273 A6279
Anthes, Emily.   Frankenstein's cat : cuddling up to biotech's brave new beasts / Emily Anthes.   First edition. 

616.45 H6992
Hoffman, Brian B.   Adrenaline / Brian B. Hoffman.   Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013. 

616.4620654 M5541
Mercer, Amy.   The smart woman's guide to eating right with diabetes : what will work / Amy Stockwell Mercer.   New York, NY : Demos Health, c2013. 

616.65 C3236
Carter, H. Ballentine.   The whole life prostate book : everything that every man-at every age-needs to know about maintaining optimal prostate health / H. Ballentine Carter and Gerald Secor Couzens.   1st Free Press hardcover ed.   New York : Free Press, 2012. 

616.89075 F8159
Frances, Allen, 1942-.   Saving normal : an insider's revolt against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life / Allen Frances.   1st ed.   New York, NY : William Morrow, c2013. 

616.994 C821
Cornwall, Claudia Maria.   Catching cancer : the quest for its viral and bacterial causes / Claudia Cornwall.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2013. 

630.8996073 D1846
Daniel, Pete.   Dispossession : discrimination against African American farmers in the age of civil rights / Pete Daniel.   Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2013. 

636.7083 H274
Hare, Brian, 1976-.   The genius of dogs : how dogs are smarter than you think / Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods. 

638.14 B6289
Blackiston, Howland.   Building beehives for dummies / by Howland Blackiston.   Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2013. 

640.286 J663
Johnson, Bea, 1974-.   Zero waste home : the ultimate guide to simplifying your life by reducing your waste / Bea Johnson.   First Scribner trade paperback edition. 

641.8653 C596
Clark, Zoe.   Chic & unique wedding cakes : 30 modern designs for romantic celebrations / Zoe Clark.   Newton Abbott, England ; Concinnati, Ohio : David & Charles, 2012. 

643.7 C7547
Conran, Terence.   Eco house book / Terence Conran.   Paperback ed.   London : Conran Octopus, 2011, c2009. 

650.14 T318
Terhune, Tori Randolph.   Land your dream career : eleven steps to take in college / Tori Randolph Terhune and Betsy A. Hays.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2013. 

658.4 S2138y
Sandberg, Sheryl, author.   Lean in : women, work, and the will to lead / Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell.   First edition. 

683.400973 B3471
Baum, Dan.   Gun guys : a road trip / Dan Baum.   First edition. 

701.85 M2946
Manual práctico del color para artistas. English.   The practical handbook of color for artists / translated from the Spanish by Michael Brunel and Beatriz Cortabarria.   First edition. 

704.944 C1868
Campanario, Gabriel.   The art of urban sketching : drawing on location around the world / Gabriel Campanario.   Beverly, Mass. : Quarry Books, c2012. 

712 A2117
Adams, Denise W.   American home landscapes : a design guide to creating period garden styles / Denise Wiles Adams and Laura L.S. Burchfield.   1st ed.   Portland, Or. : Timber Press, 2013. 

738.15 W245
Wandless, Paul Andrew.   Image transfer on clay : screen, relief, decal & monoprint techniques / Paul Andrew Wandless.   1st pbk. ed.   Asheville : Lark Crafts, 2013. 

741.674 A7848
Art of the Dead / [edited by Phil Cushway]. 

745.5943 R915
Rudell, Jeffery.   Paper blooms : 25 extraordinary flowers to make for weddings, celebrations & more / Jeffery Rudell.   1st ed.   Asheville [NC] : Lark Crafts, ©2013. 

776 L321
Lardner, Joel.   The digital art technique manual : for illustrators & artists : the essential guide to creating digital illustration and artworks using Photoshop, Illustrator, and other software / Joel Lardner and Paul Roberts.   1st ed. for North America.   Hauppage, NY : Barron's, 2012. 

793.8 S8771y
Stone, Alex.   Fooling Houdini : magicians, mentalists, math geeks, and the hidden powers of the mind / Alex Stone.   New York : Harper, 2012. 

794.81536 C8423
Costikyan, Greg, author.   Uncertainty in games / Greg Costikyan. 

796.357 P1429ys
Spivey, Donald.   "If you were only white" : the life of Leroy "Satchel" Paige / Donald Spivey.   Columbia : University of Missouri Press, c2012. 

808.543 R329
Reese, Elaine.   Tell me a story : sharing stories to enrich your child's world / Elaine Reese.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2013. 

811.54 C6995yi
Collier, Michael, 1953-.   An individual history : poems / Michael Collier.   1st ed.   New York : W.W. Norton & Co., c2012. 

822.33 E B685
Boitani, Piero.   The gospel according to Shakespeare / Piero Boitani ; translated by Vittorio Montemaggi and Rachel Jacoff.   English language edition. 

912 S6451a9
Smith, Dan, 1951-.   The Penguin state of the world atlas / Dan Smith ; [maps and graphics by Isabelle Lewis].   Completely rev. & updated 9th ed.   New York : Penguin Books, 2012. 

943.086 H675yr
Rees, Laurence, 1957-.   Hitler's charisma : leading millions into the abyss / Laurence Rees.   First American edition. 

947.085 D846yb
Bullough, Oliver, 1977-.   The last man in Russia : the struggle to save a dying nation / Oliver Bullough. 

973.3 E474
Ellis, Joseph J.   Revolutionary summer : the birth of American independence / Joseph J. Ellis.   First Edition. 

973.3312 P545
Philbrick, Nathaniel.   Bunker Hill : a city, a siege, a revolution / Nathaniel Philbrick.   New York : Viking, c2013. 

973.733 L736yh
1863 : Lincoln's pivotal year / edited by Harold Holzer and Sara Vaughn Gabbard. 

975.3041 G255
Gastman, Roger.   Pump me up : DC subculture of the 1980s / compiled by Roger Gastman.   1st ed.   Los Angeles, CA: R. Rock Enterprises, 2013. 

976.873 K475
Kiernan, Denise.   The girls of Atomic City : the untold story of the women who helped win World War II / Denise Kiernan.   1st Touchstone hardcover ed.   New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, 2013. 

Kingsolver, Barbara.   Flight behavior : a novel / Barbara Kingsolver.   1st Harper Perennial ed.   New York : Harper Perennial, 2013, c2012. 

R 616.89075 D5364a5
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5 / [American Psychiatric Association ; DSM-5 Task Force].   5th ed.   Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Association, ©2013. 

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