Monday, February 17, 2014

New Titles - February 17, 2014

New Titles

February 17, 2014

005.54 S5589a2
Shmueli, Galit, 1971-.   Data mining for business intelligence : concepts, techniques, and applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner / Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, Peter C. Bruce.   2nd ed.   Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010. 

302.5083 H344
Has child behavior worsened? / Amy Francis, book editor. 

303.4833 M8186
Mooney, Carla, 1970-.   Thinking critically. Cell phones / by Carla Mooney. 

330.019 T365ar
Thaler, Richard H., 1945-.   Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness / Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein.   Rev. and expanded ed.   New York : Penguin Books, 2009. 

330.973 S8559
Stiglitz, Joseph E.   Freefall : America, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy / Joseph E. Stiglitz ; [with a new afterword].   [Pbk. ed.].   New York, NY : W.W. Norton & Co., 2010. 

332.720973 H852
Howard, Timothy (Business writer), author.   The mortgage wars : inside Fannie Mae, big-money politics, and the collapse of the American dream / Timothy Howard. 

333.7 G6559a7
Goodstein, Eban S., 1960- author.   Economics and the environment / Eban S. Goodstein, Bard College, Stephen Polasky, University of Minnesota.   Seventh Edition. 

333.79 E5684
Energy finance and economics : analysis and valuation, risk management, and the future of energy / editors, Betty J. Simkins, Russell E. Simkins.   Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2013. 

333.79 G726
Graaf, Thijs van de.   The politics and institutions of global energy governance / Thijs Van de Graaf. 

333.790681 F7715
Foundations of energy risk management : an overview of the energy sector and its physical and financial markets / GARP, API.   Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2009. 

333.7924 H6557
Hillstrom, Kevin, 1963-.   Nuclear energy / by Kevin Hillstrom. 

333.794 L3349
Larsson, Mats, 1963-.   The business of global energy transformation : saving billions through sustainable models / Mats R. Larsson.   Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 

358.4183 V549
Veronico, Nick, 1961-.   Boneyard nose art : U.S. military aircraft markings and artwork / Nicholas A. Veronico, Jim Dunn, and Ron Strong ; foreword by John Brennan. 

362.1969 D6311
Do infectious diseases pose a threat? / [edited by] Roman Espejo. 

362.76 M573y
Merryn, Erin.   An unimaginable act : overcoming and preventing child abuse through Erin's law / Erin Merryn. 

363.325 I728
Irwin, Lew.   Deadly times : the 1910 bombing of the Los Angeles Times and America's forgotten decade of terror / Lew Irwin. 

428.24 S976
Swick, Edward.   ESL Demystified / Ed Swick. 

519.2 M6859
Mlodinow, Leonard, 1954-.   The Drunkard's walk : how randomness rules our lives / Leonard Mlodinow.   1st Vintage Books ed.   New York : Pantheon Books, 2009. 

540 A874
Atkins, P. W. (Peter William), 1940- author.   What is chemistry? / Peter Atkins.   First edition. 

552.0075 R757
Romaine, Garret, author.   The modern rockhounding and prospecting handbook / Garret Romaine. 

595.799 O885
O'Toole, Christopher, author.   Bees : a natural history / Christopher O'Toole, Honorary Research Associate, Hope Entomological Collections, Oxford University Museum of Natural History ; featuring photographs by Edward Ross. 

599.785 B1894
Ballard, Jack (Jack Clayton).   Black bears / Jack Ballard. 

613 F3524
Ferguson, Elaine R.   Superhealing : engaging your mind, body, and spirit to create optimal health and well-being / Elaine R. Ferguson, MD. 

613.71 K649
Klerck, Ray, 1979-.   Body trainer for men / Ray Klerck. 

615.7827 S9989
Szumski, Bonnie, 1958-.   Thinking critically. Medical marijuana / Bonnie Szumski and Jill Karson. 

616.85227 T6498a2
Tolin, David F.   Buried in treasures : help for compulsive acquiring, saving, and hoarding / David F. Tolin, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee.   Second edition. 

623.8882 M573
Merry, Barbara.   Marlinspike sailor's knots and crafts : a step-by-step guide to tying classic sailor's knots to create, adorn, and show off / Barbara Merry. 

641.5 Y831
Youssef, Jozef.   Molecular gastronomy at home : taking culinary physics out of the lab and into your kitchen / Jozef Youssef. 

658.022 G362
Gerber, Michael E.   The E-myth revisited : why most small businesses don't work and what you can do about it / Michael E. Gerber.   1st ed.   New York, N.Y. : HarperBusiness, 1995. 

658.3 U45
Ulrich, David, 1953-.   The HR value proposition / Dave Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank.   Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, c2005. 

658.314 B6396
Blanchard, Kenneth H.   Gung ho! / Ken Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles.   1st ed.   New York : Morrow, c1998. 

658.4 S841a2
Stettner, Morey, author.   Skills for new managers / Morey Stettner.   Second edition. 

658.401 H254
Harari, Oren.   Break from the pack : how to compete in a copycat economy / Oren Harari.   Upper Saddle River, NJ : Financial Times Press, c2007. 

658.4092 B4267
Belasco, James A.   Flight of the buffalo : soaring to excellence, learning to let employees lead / James A. Belasco & Ralph C. Stayer.   New York, NY : Warner Books, 1994. 

658.4092 C887
Crainer, Stuart, author.   Thinkers 50 leadership : organizational success through leadership / Stuart Crainer + Des Dearlov. 

658.4092 C9515
Cross-sector leadership for the green economy : integrating research and practice on sustainable enterprise / edited by Alfred Marcus ... [et al.].   New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 

658.45 D4112ar
Denning, Stephen, 1944-.   The Leader's Guide to Storytelling : Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative / Stephen Denning.   Rev. and updated edition.   San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, [2011], ©2011. 

658.45 M735
Monarth, Harrison.   Breakthrough communication: a powerful 4-step process for overcoming resistance and getting results / Harrison Monarth. 

658.456 L563
Lencioni, Patrick, 1965-.   Death by meeting : a leadership fable-- about solving the most painful problem in business / Patrick Lencioni.   1st ed.   San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2004. 

658.5 Z638
Zhu, Frank Xin X., author.   Energy optimization for the process industries / Frank Xin X. Zhu. 

658.872 H794
Hopkins, Jeanne, 1957-.   Go mobile : location-based marketing, apps, mobile optimized ad campaigns, 2D codes and other mobile strategies to grow your business / Jeanne Hopkins, Jamie Turner.   Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2012. 

743.6 N588
Nice, Claudia.   Painting your favorite animals in pen, ink & watercolor.   [S.l.] : North Light, 2013. 

750 K323
Kemp, Linda, 1956- author.   Simplifying design and color for artists : positive results using negative painting techniques / Linda Kemp.   First edition. 

751.426 R459
Reyner, Nancy, author.   Acrylic illuminations : reflective and luminous acrylic painting techniques / Nancy Reyner.   First edition. 

751.49 P3714
Pederson, Jean, 1962-, author.   Mixed media painting workshop : explore mediums, techniques and the personal artistic journey / by Jean Pederson.   First edition. 

751.73 M3858
Martinez, Scape, 1969-.   Graff color master : freestyle color techniques for graffiti art / Scape Martinez. 

770 M9968
Myers, Tadd, 1972- photographer.   Portraits of the American craftsman / by Tadd Myers ; text by Eric Celeste. 

781.6408968 K146
Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-.   The history of Latin music / Stuart A. Kallen. 

781.64309 U843
Uschan, Michael V., 1948-.   The history of the blues / Michael V. Uschan.   Detroit, MI : Lucent Books, c2013. 

781.6509 K146
Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-.   The history of jazz / Stuart A. Kallen.   Farmington Hills, MI. : Lucent Books, c2012. 

781.66 S6265
Skancke, Jennifer.   The history of indie rock / by Jennifer Skancke.   Detroit : Lucent Books, c2007. 

781.6609 K146
Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-.   The history of alternative rock / Stuart A. Kallen.   Detroit : Lucent Books, c2012. 

781.6609 K146
Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-.   The history of rock and roll / Stuart A. Kallen.   Detroit : Lucent Books, c2012. 

781.6809 K146
Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-.   The history of classical music / Stuart A. Kallen. 

782.4213 M1537
MacKay, Jenny, 1978-.   The art of songwriting / Jenny MacKay. 

782.421649 B1685
Baker, Soren, 1975-.   The history of rap and hip-hop / Soren Baker. 

796.325 H4465
Hebert, Mike, 1944-.   Thinking volleyball / Mike Hebert. 

796.35727 R6463
Roberts, Mike, 1950- author.   Baserunning / Mike Roberts, with Tim Bishop. 

796.3578 S6816
The softball coaching bible. Volume II / National Fastpitch Coaches Association ; project coordinated by L. Gayle Blevins, Former Head Coach, University of Iowa. 

796.96264 H6857
Hockey Hall of Fame book of players / edited by Steve Cameron. 

797.122 M3839
Martin, Zander, 1980-.   NOLS canoeing / Alexander Martin.   First edition. 

808.02 S77462
St. John, Cheryl, author.   Writing with emotion, tension and conflict : techniques for crafting an expressive and compelling novel / Cheryl St. John. 

808.3 W469
Wendig, Chuck, author.   The kick-ass writer : 1001 ways to write great fiction, get published & earn your audience / Chuck Wendig.   First edition. 

812.04508 R2366
Ratliff, Gerald Lee.   Audition monologues for young women #2 : more contemporary auditions for aspiring actresses / by Gerald Lee Ratliff.   First edition. 

831.912 R5739n
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.   Rilke : new poems / translated from the German by Joseph Thomas Cadora ; and with a foreword by Robert Hass. 

939.4 P7421
Podany, Amanda H.   The Ancient Near East : a very short introduction / Amanda Podany. 

Career Collection
Career 338.4762 A7868
Arter, Ryan.   How to start a home-based computer repair business / Ryan Arter.   1st ed.   Guilford, Conn. : Globe Pequot, c2013. 

Career 647.9506 M6122
Meyer, Arthur L.   How to open and operate a restaurant / Arthur L. Meyer and Jon M. Vann.   Guilford, CT : Globe Pequot, 2013. 

Career 658.802 F8489a2
Frazier, Shirley George.   Marketing strategies for the home-based business / Shirley George Frazier.   Second edition.   Guilford, CT : Globe Pequot Press, [2013]. 

Career 808.027023 F9655
Fuller, Barbara (Editor).   How to start a home-based editorial services business / Barbara Fuller.   Guilford, Conn. : Globe Pequot, 2013. 

DVD 419.1 B115
Baby sign language [videorecording].   San Diego, CA : Thunder Bay Press, c2013. 

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