New Titles
May 5, 2014
170.44 R9614Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970. The conquest of happiness / Bertrand Russell ; with a new introduction by Daniel C. Dennett. |
241.53 B714Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945. The cost of discipleship / Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 1st Touchstone ed. New York : Touchstone, 1995. |
302.343 M3998Mason, Kimberly L. Bullying no more : understanding and preventing bullying / Kimberly L. Mason, Ph.D., LPC, NCC. |
305.26 W6368 Wickert, Kimberly McCrone. The sandwich generation's guide to eldercare / Kimberly McCrone Wickert, MRC, CRC, Danielle Schultz Dresden, MEd, CRC, Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr. PhD., CRC. |
305.4095 N134 Nadeau, Kathleen G. Women's roles in Asia / Kathleen Nadeau and Sangita Rayamajhi. |
305.896073 X1b X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. By any means necessary / Malcolm X. 2nd ed. New York : Pathfinder, 1992. |
306.874 D3172 DeGarmo, John, 1969-. The foster parenting manual : a practical guide to creating a loving, safe, and stable home / John DeGarmo ; foreword by Mary Perdue. |
323.1196073 B2136 Bancroft, Dick, 1927-. We are still here : a photographic history of the American Indian Movement / photographs by Dick Bancroft ; text by Laura Waterman Wittstock. |
323.1196073 K525 King, Desmond S., author. Still a house divided : race and politics in Obama's America / Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith. |
345.730773 P1749a2 Palmer, Louis J., Jr., 1956- author. The death penalty in the United States : a complete guide to federal and state laws / Louis J. Palmer, Jr. Second edition. |
347.7326 L2578 Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court / Maureen Harrison & Steve Gilbert, editors. Beverly Hills, Calif. : Excellent Books, c1991- |
362.7 D391 Denby, Ramona W., author. African American children and families in child welfare : cultural adaptation of services / Ramona W. Denby and Carla M. Curtis. |
362.76 P3938y Pelzer, David J. The lost boy : a foster child's search for the love of a family / Dave Pelzer. Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1997. |
363.8 S256 Saul, Nick. The Stop : how the fight for good food transformed a community and inspired a movement / Nick Saul and Andrea Curtis. 1st ed. Brooklyn, NY : Melville House Pub., c2013. |
365.973 F781 Fourth city : essays from the prison in America / edited by Doran Larson. |
372.4 M6477 Miller, Donalyn. Reading in the wild : the book whisperer's keys to cultivating lifelong reading habits / Donalyn Miller with Susan Kelley ; foreword by Teri S. Lesesne. First edition. |
379.2 A5476 Anderson, Karen, 1947-. Little Rock : race and resistance at Central High School / Karen Anderson. 1st ed. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010. |
398.21 B2151 Bane, Theresa, 1969-. Encyclopedia of fairies in world folklore and mythology / Theresa Bane. |
523.7 C7764Cooper, Christopher, (Energy specialist), author. Our Sun : biography of a star / Christopher Cooper ; foreword by David Spergel, PhD, chair, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University ; preface by Madhulika Guhathakurta, PhD, lead scientist, Living with a star program, NASA. |
535.6 E1927 Eckstut, Joann, author. The secret language of color : science, nature, history, culture, beauty of red, orange, yellow, green, blue & violet / Joann Eckstut and Arielle Eckstut. |
572.8 M1589 McKissick, Katie. What's in your genes? : from the color of your eyes to the length of your life, a revealing look at your genetic traits / Katie McKissick, creator of Beatrice the Biologist. |
610.76 F196Fallon, Samantha, author. MCAT 2015 : what the test change means for you now / Samantha Fallon, Owen Farcey, Adam Grey, Aaron Lemon-Strauss, Keith Lubeley, Alexander Macnow, Petros Minasi, Jr., Deeangelee Pooran. |
612.3924 G6532 Goodman, Dennis (Dennis A.), author. Magnificent magnesium : your essential key to a healthy heart and more / Dennis Goodman, MD, FACC. |
613.690973 M9594 Mullin, Walter Jacob. The disaster prepper's organizer / Walter Jacob Mullin. |
613.71489 C2686 Cardoza, Steven, 1952- author. Chinese healing exercises : a personalized practice for health & longevity / Steven Cardoza. First Edition. |
615.8312 S9572 Sun, Howard, author. Color your life : how to use the right colors to achieve balance, health, and happiness / Howard and Dorothy Sun. First Tarcher/Penguin paperback edition. |
616.042 S8881 The story within : personal essays on genetics and identity / edited by Amy Boesky. |
616.12 D4579 DeSilva, Regis. Heart disease / Regis A . DeSilva. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, 2013. |
616.85223 H362 Hatfield, Rudolph C. The everything guide to coping with panic disorder : learn how to take control of your panic and live a healthier, happier life / Rudolph C. Hatfield, PhD. |
616.89 Y734 Young, Joel L. When your adult child breaks your heart : coping with mental illness, substance abuse, and the problems that tear families apart / Joel L. Young, MD, and Christine Adamec. |
617.481044 S8752 Stoler, Diane Roberts. Coping with concussion and mild traumatic brain injury : a guide to living with the challenges associated with post concussion syndrome and brain trauma / Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed.D., and Barbara Albers Hill. |
618.17806 Z864 Zoll, Miriam, author. Cracked open : liberty, fertility, and the pursuit of high tech babies : a memoir / by Miriam Zoll. |
635 G7981 The green smoothie garden : grow your own produce for the most nutritious green smoothie recipes possible! / edited by Tracy Russell and Catherine Abbott. Avon, MA : Adams Media, c2014. |
636.085 T2438 Taylor-Laino, Barbara. The healthy homemade pet food cookbook : 75 whole-food recipes and tasty treats for every age and stage of your pet's development / Barbara Taylor-Laino ; foreword by Kenneth D. Fischer, D.V.M. |
641.50222 B4587 Bendersky, Ari. 1000 food art & styling ideas : mouthwatering food presentations from chefs, photographers & bloggers from around the globe / written & curated by Ari Bendersky ; designed by Grip X Chicago. Beverly, Mass. : Rockport Publishers, c2014. |
641.671476 K2977 Kelly, Lauren (Nutritionist), author. The Greek yogurt cookbook : includes over 125 delicious, nutritious Greek yogurt recipes / Lauren Kelly. |
641.815 F6927 Forbes, Carrie S. The everything gluten-free baking cookbook / Carrie S. Forbes. |
650.1 B114 Babineaux, Ryan, author. Fail fast, fail often : how losing can help you win / Ryan Babineaux, Ph.D., John Krumboltz, Ph.D. |
700 I3975yIndiana, Robert, 1928- artist. art. Robert Indiana : beyond Love / Barbara Haskell ; with contributions by René Paul Barilleaux, Sasha Nicholas ; foreword, Adam D. Weinberg. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, [2013]. |
700.9 G788 Grebe, Anja, author. The Vatican : all the paintings : the complete collection of old masters plus more than 300 sculptures, maps, tapestries, and other artifacts / Anja Grebe ; introduction by Ross King. |
704 M3813 Martín i Roig, Gabriel, 1970-. The big book of the human figure / editors, Mari Carmen Ramos and Tomás Ubach ; text, Gabriel Martin Roig ; exercises, Gabriel Martin and Óscar Sanchis. Hauppage, N.Y. : Barrons Educational Series, 2013. |
740 K464 Kidd, Chip. Go : a Kidd's guide to graphic design / Chip Kidd. |
742 M3813 Martín i Roig, Gabriel, 1970-. Understanding perspective / text, Gabriel Martín Roig ; translated from the Spanish by Michael Brunelle and Beatriz Cortabarria. 1st ed. for the United States, its territories and dependencies, and Canada. Hauppage, N.Y. : Barron's, 2014. |
745.50688 S685 Solga, Kim. The everything guide to selling arts and crafts online : how to sell on Etsy, eBay, your StoreFront, and everywhere else online / Kim Solga. |
748 C534y Chihuly (Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal). Chihuly / edited by Diane Charbonneau. |
757 M3813 Martín i Roig, Gabriel, 1970-. Portrait painter's handbook / text, Gabriel Martín Roig ; English translation by Michael Brunelle and Beatriz Cortabarria. 1st ed. for the United States, its territories and dependencies, and Canada. Hauppage, NY : Barron's, 2014. |
759.13 D2633y Davis, Miles. Miles Davis : the collected artwork / text by Scott Gutterman ; foreword by Quincy Jones ; reflections by Erin Davis and Vince Wilburn Jr. ; afterword by Cheryl Davis. San Rafael, California : Insight Editions, [2013]. |
771 S6989 Sonheim, Steve, author. Creative photography lab : 52 fun exercises for developing self expression with your camera / Steve Sonheim with Carla Sonheim. |
940.531773 E5643Encyclopedia of Japanese American internment / Gary Y. Okihiro, Editor. |
951.050922 B6153 Biographical dictionary of the People's Republic of China / edited by Yuwu Song. |
951.905 H679r Hoare, James. Korea / James Hoare. [Rev. and updated ed.]. London : Kuperard, [2012]. |
R 610.3 M1947a7Magill's medical guide / medical editors: Bryan C. Auday, Ph.D., Gordon College [and three others]. Seventh Edition. |
Career Collection
Career 650.14 Y31Yate, Martin John. Knock 'em dead : the ultimate job search guide, 2014 / Martin Yate. Avon, Mass. : Adams Media, c2013. |
Juvenile Collection
E R848Rotner, Shelley. Shades of people / by Shelley Rotner and Sheila M. Kelly ; photographs by Shelley Rotner. New York : Holiday House, c2009. |
ANGEAngelou, Maya. Gather together in my name / Maya Angelou. Random House Trade pb. ed. New York : Random House, 2009. |
BRON Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848. Wuthering heights / Emily Bronte ; with an introduction by Alice Hoffman and a new afterword by Juliet Barker. New York : Signet Classics, [2011]. |
CISN Cisneros, Sandra. Caramelo, or, Puro cuento : a novel / Sandra Cisneros. 1st Vintage Contemporaries ed. New York : Vintage Books, 2003, c2002. |
DASH Dashner, James, 1972-. The death cure / James Dashner. 1st ed. New York : Delacorte Press, c2011. |
DASH Dashner, James, 1972-. The Scorch trials / James Dashner. 1st Ember ed. New York : Ember, 2011, c2010. |
DASH Dashner, James, 1972-. The maze runner / James Dashner. 1st ed. New York : Delacorte Press, c2009. |
FOLA Folan, Karyn Langhorne. Pretty ugly / Karyn Langhorne Folan. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2011. |
FOLA Folan, Karyn Langhorne. Breaking point / Karyn Langhorne Folan and Paul Langan. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2011. |
HEMI Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961. The Nick Adams stories / by Ernest Hemingway ; preface by Philip Young. New York : Scribner, c1972. |
JUNG Junger, Sebastian. The perfect storm : a true story of men against the sea / Sebastian Junger. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, c2009. |
KERN Kern, Peggy. The test / Peggy Kern. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2011. |
KERN Kern, Peggy. No way out / Peggy Kern. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2009. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Survivor / Paul Langan. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, ©2013. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Promises to keep / Paul Langan. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, ©2013. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Schooled / Paul Langan. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, 2009. |
LANG Langan, John, 1942-. Search for safety / John Langan ; series editor, Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2007. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Shattered / Paul Langan. [West Berlin, N.J.] : Townsend Press, c2007. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. The fallen / Paul Langan ; series editor, Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2007. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Summer of secrets / Paul Langan. West berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2004. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Brothers in arms / Paul Langan and Ben Alirez. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2004. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. Blood is thicker / Paul Langan and D.M. Blackwell. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2004. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. The gun / Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2001. |
LANG Langan, Paul, 1972-. The bully / Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2002. |
MART Martin, George R. R. A dance with dragons / George R. R. Martin. Bantam Books mass market edition. New York : Bantam Books, 2013. |
MCCO McCormick, Patricia, 1956-. Cut / Patricia McCormick. New York : PUSH, 2011, c2000. |
PEAR Pearsall, Shelley. Jump into the sky / Shelley Pearsall. 1st ed. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, c2012. |
PETE Peterson, Doug. The vanishing woman / Doug Peterson. Leesburg, FL : Bay Forest Books, c2012. |
PETE Peterson, Doug. The Lincoln League : inspired by a true story / by Doug Peterson. Leesburg Flordia : Kingstone Media Group, 2013. |
PIRS Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance : an inquiry into values / by Robert M. Pirsig. New York, N.Y. : HarperPerennial, [2008], c1974. |
SCHR Schraff, Anne E. Until we meet again / Anne Schraff ; series editor, Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2001. |
SCHR Schraff, Anne E. Someone to love me / Anne Schraff ; series editor, Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2002. |
SCHR Schraff, Anne E. Secrets in the shadows / Anne Schraff. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2001. |
SCHR Schraff, Anne E. A matter of trust / Anne Schraff ; series editor, Paul Langan. West Berlin, N.J. : Townsend Press, c2002. |
SCHR Schraff, Anne E. Lost and found / Anne Schraff. West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press, c2002. |
SPAR Sparks, Beatrice. Go ask Alice / Author anonymous. New York : Simon Pulse, 2006. |
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