Monday, December 11, 2006

December - January Library Hours

Week of Dec. 11-15: Mon.-Thurs., 8 AM to 9 PM Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM
Interim hours: 8 AM to 4 PM during Dec. 18-22, Jan. 2-5, Jan. 8-10
Closed Dec. 23, 2006 - Jan. 1, 2007
Winter Semester Hours, beginning Jan. 11:
Mon.-Thurs., 8 AM to 9 PM Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM Sat., 10 AM to 2 PM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Books Due back

Remember to return your books to avoid having your grades and transcripts blocked. Also, if you have any fines, please pay them by the end of the semester too.

We have a $5 maximum fine so don't be afraid to turn that severely overdue book in. A $5 fine now is better than $50 to replace the book.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Trying out a database - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Working on a last minute paper? Need scholarly articles from the social sciences area? Then take a look at - a database containing over 350 titles with full-text articles as well as citations to other titles. Search hint: From this database, click on "search" at the green bar, and choose, e.g., to search journals and then either select "all journals" or "subscribed" journals. The subscribed journals are the full-text titles.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Welcome Back

Hopefully you had a great Thanksgiving weekend and are ready for the finish of the semester. The homestretch you've been preparing for all semester begins today. The library hopes to provide you with a comfortable, quiet environment so you can study for finals and prepare final papers.

Please feel free to let us know if something in the library is disrupting your study. We will do all we can to provide a great environment.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Shortened Week for Thanksgiving

The library will only be open 2 days this week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will have normal hours on Monday and Tuesday (8 AM to 9 PM) and then close the rest of the week. We will reopen Monday, November 27th.

Have a great holiday!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Identifying and gathering materials for research

  • To locate books use the Online Catalog.
  • To locate magazine articles, begin your search with these periodical databases: Academic Search Elite/EBSCOhost; WilsonSelectPlus/FirstSearch.
  • For newspaper articles, search Lexis-Nexis. Select the news category and when at the search boxes screen select general news and major papers to set up your search.
  • The library's References and Text web page includes Reference databases to biographies (American National Biography and Biography Reference Bank) and dictionaries from Oxford English Dictionary database and Oxford Reference Online Premium.
  • Need government info? Select Google Uncle Sam at

For each resource you use, create a list of possible subject words or keywords that will bring up results. Remember, different resources may require different search terms. If you are utterly confused, ask the library staff for help. Remember, if you login at the Online Catalog, you can view and access many of the library's databases on or off campus.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Search tips - Online Catalog and Databases

Truncation allows you to search for a root form of a word and pick up any endings. Do not truncate a word too short, or you will retrieve unwanted matches. Example: Politic* will retrieve: politics, political, politically, politician, politicians.
Use quotations around phrases like "lake michigan" to ensure that the words are searched side by side.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome to Laurie Diggins

Welcome the newest member of our library staff. Laurie Diggins graduated from Buchanan H.S., Michigan State University, and received her grad degree from the U of Michigan. You can't get much more Michigan than that!

The first face you'll see at the circulation desk in the mornings will likely be Laurie's. Stop in and say hello.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lake Michigan College - William Hessel Library - Services and Policies

How much does that book cost if you lose it? What are our fines for late books? Those answers and more at . . .
Lake Michigan College - William Hessel Library - Services and Policies

Read our polices online.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Computer Lab - L105

Remember you can check the scheduled closings of the L105 computer lab online. The Lab Calendar is posted every Monday with the coming week's hours.

The Lab closes for all library instruction classes, but the 12 PCs out in the main library remain open.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

New Copiers coming to the Library

I just received notice that sometime next week the library will be getting replacement copiers. The old ones just don't put out really nice copies any longer and I'm sure the new ones will be a dramatic improvement!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Tip of the day


When you log into your account there are many preferences and options available. The newest option lets you choose a day of the week to receive an email reminder of the items you have checked out.

To do this:

1. Click the Account Login and enter your username and password (8 digit ID and birthdate)
2. Click Patron Menu
3. Click My Account
4. Click the menu item My Account
5. Scroll down until you see "email account"
6. Change from No to any day of the week.

NOTE: You do have to have an email address listed in your record. Change it on the same page.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Student ID cards and info needed to check out library materials

Hessel Library Blog

The William Hessel Library on the Napier campus and the main offices at Bertrand Crossing, M-TECSM, and the South Haven campuses, provide students with Identification (ID) Cards with semester stickers. To obtain an ID card, present a picture identification such as driver's license. To renew your card for updated semester sticker, present your photo ID and LMC ID card. Having a current LMC ID card will allow students to receive discounts when attending cultural, movie, or other events.

To check out materials from the Hessel Library, please present your photo ID (driver's license).

Tip of the day

If you are at home you still have access to many of our databases. When you are searching the catalog you can click on the name of one of the databases to go directly to the database without knowing the username or password. But you do need to be logged into the Research Portal. Use your 8 digit ID and birthdate to log in to the portal.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Accessing library databases off campus

Access three ways:

Log in to the Research Portal through the Online Catalog, using your 8 digit student ID number and password which is probably your birth date. Once logged in, you can access and search simultaneously the Online Catalog and selected databases; or just select specific database(s) to search. You can search the Research Portal on or off campus.

Alternative off campus access: Log in to Wavelink by using your 8 digit student ID number and password. Once logged in, look for the Academic Resources tab to locate the listing of all the Library’s databases with off campus passwords. The databases listed include live links for direct access. Please make a note of the selected database’s password/user name to use before clicking on the database link.

Students can also pick up the database password handout sheet located at the Library Circulation Desk.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Welcome to the new WHL Blog

The William Hessel Library staff recently created a blog to help us keep you informed about the library. In the future you'll see news and information about new databases, schedule changes, new books, job openings, etc.

Also, if you're a registered user you can leave comments about the posts. They will be moderated comments.