Thursday, February 07, 2013

New Titles - February 7, 2013

New Titles

February 7, 2013

001.942 B7252
Booth, B. J. (Billy J.).   UFOs caught on film : amazing evidence of alien visitors to Earth / B J Booth.   Newton Abbot, UK : David & Charles, 2012. 

004.16 I648b
Ballew, Joli.   How to do everything. iPad / Joli Ballew.   3rd ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

004.165 M1524r
Rich, Jason R.   How to do everything Macbook Air / Jason R. Rich.   New York : McGraw-Hill Hill, c2012. 

004.1675 K517h
Hart-Davis, Guy.   Kindle fire geekery : 50 insanely cool projects for your Amazon tablet / Guy Hart-Davis.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

004.1675 K517r
Rich, Jason.   How to do everything Kindle Fire / Jason R. Rich.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

005.133 N7368
Nixon, Robin, 1961-.   Web developer's cookbook : more than 300 ready-made PHP, JavaScript, and CSS recipes / Robin Nixon.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

005.2762 J416p
Powell, Thomas A., 1968-.   JavaScript : the complete reference / Thomas A. Powell, Fritz Schneider.   Third edition. 

005.432 S7316a6
Soyinka, Wale.   Linux administration : a beginners guide / Wale Soyinka.   6th ed.   New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2012. 

005.7565 M9987b
Bradford, Ronald.   Effective MySQL : backup and recovery / Ronald Bradford. 

005.8 W9546
Wrightson, Tyler.   Wireless network security : a beginner's guide / Tyler Wrightson.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

006.752 A5175
Amir, Nina.   How to blog a book : write, publish, and promote your work one post at a time / Nina Amir ; forewords by Christina Katz and Chris Garrett.   1st ed.   Blue Ash, OH : Writer's Digest Books, c2012. 

070 D755ar
Dozier, Kimberly.   Breathing the fire : fighting to survive, and get back to the fight / Kimberly Dozier.   Rev. and upd. ed.   East Petersburg, PA : Fox Chapel Pub., c2011. 

152.41 B2652
Baron-Cohen, Simon.   Science of evil : on empathy and the origins of cruelty / Simon Baron-Cohen.   New York : Basic Books, 2012, c2011. 

153.35 L524
Lehrer, Jonah.   Imagine : how creativity works / Jonah Lehrer.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. 

158.2 W847
Woititz, Janet Geringer.   Struggle for intimacy / Janet Geringer Woititz.   Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1990. 

220.61 M6514
Miller, Stephen M., 1952-.   Stephen M. Miller's Bible snapshots : lavishly illustrated Bible guide with everything but the preaching.   Uhrichsville, Ohio : Barbour Pub., c2012. 

302.23 P7695
Politics and the media / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 

303.6 M4892
Media violence / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

304.2072 C5812
Citizen science : public participation in environmental research / edited by Janis L. Dickinson and Rick Bonney ; foreword by Richard Louv ; afterword by John W. Fitzpatrick.   Ithaca : Comstock Pub. Associates, 2012. 

305.5620973 Z975a2
Zweig, Michael, 1942-.   The working class majority : America's best kept secret / Michael Zweig.   2nd ed.   Ithaca : ILR Press, 2012. 

306.3615 O855
Osterud, Nancy Grey, 1948-.   Putting the barn before the house : women and family farming in early-twentieth-century New York / Grey Osterud.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

306.708422 B8794
Brown, Pat.   How to save your daughter's life : straight talk for parents from America's top criminal profiler / Pat Brown.   Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, c2012. 

327.12 C5257
Chesterman, Simon.   One nation under surveillance : a new social contract to defend freedom without sacrificing liberty / Simon Chesterman.   Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. 

327.1273 E777
Espionage and intelligence / Sylvia Engdahl, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

327.59073 H2182
Hamilton-Hart, Natasha, 1969-.   Hard interests, soft illusions : Southeast Asia and American power / Natasha Hamilton-Hart.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

331.011 W92629
Workers' rights / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

333.720955 I652
The Iranian green movement / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

333.794 R411
Renewable energy / David M. Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

338.4 G248
Gasoline / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

341.67 K366
Kenney, Karen Latchana.   Korematsu v. the United States : World War II Japanese-American internment camps / by Karen Latchana Kenney ; content consultant Richard D. Friedman.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

342.73062 W828
Wittekind, Erika, 1980-.   The United States v. Nixon : the Watergate scandal and limits to US presidential power / by Erika Wittekind ; content consultant, Michael J Gerhardt.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

342.73068 W576
Whistleblowers / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

342.73075 H5297
Heppermann, Christine.   Bush v. Gore : the Florida recounts of the 2000 presidential election / by Christine Heppermann ; content consultant Richard D. Friedman.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

342.730853 L972
Lüsted, Marcia Amidon.   Tinker vs. Des Moines : the right to protest in schools / by Marcia Amidon Lusted ; content consultant: Gerald Thain.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

342.73087 V2857
Van Zee, Amy.   Dred Scott v. Sandford : slavery and freedom before the American civil war / by Amy Van Zee ; content consultant, Earl Maltz.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

342.730873 C359
Cates, David, 1963-.   Plessy v. Ferguson : segregation and the separate but equal policy / by David Cates ; content consultant, Margalynne Armstrong.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

345.730285 H6367
Higgins, Melissa, 1953-.   Roe v. Wade : abortion and a woman's right to privacy / by Melissa Higgins ; content consultant Joseph Dellapenna.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

345.73056 V2282
Vander Hook, Sue, 1949-.   Miranda v. Arizona : an individual's rights when under arrest / by Sue Vander Hook ; content consultant Yale Kamisar.   Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2013. 

355.3 G288
Gays in the military / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 

355.825119 N9641
Nuclear armament / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

362.1 C5512
Chorev, Nitsan.   The World Health Organization between north and south / Nitsan Chorev.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

362.2924 D276
Dayton, Tian.   The ACoA trauma syndrome : the impact of childhood pain on adult relationships / Tian Dayton.   Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c2012. 

362.775692 S9153
Street teens / Dedria Bryfonski, book editor.   Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

362.860973 B9271a5
Budahn, P. J. (Phillip J.), 1949-.   Veteran's guide to benefits / P.J. Budahn.   5th ed.   Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, c2011. 

363.325 W2535
The war on terror / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

363.73874 M3977
Maslin, Mark.   Global warming : a very short introduction / Mark Maslin.   Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2009. 

363.883 C589
Clapp, Jennifer, 1963-.   Hunger in the balance : the new politics of international food aid / Jennifer Clapp.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

364.151 G335
Genocide / Margaret Haerens, book editor .   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

371.0770954 B2194
Bano, Masooda, 1973-.   The rational believer : choices and decisions in the madrasas of Pakistan / Masooda Bano.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

378.1981 S93317
Student Movements of the 1960s / Alexander Cruden, book editor.   1st ed.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 

381 M673
Mirchandani, Kiran, 1968-.   Phone clones : authenticity work in the transnational service economy / Kiran Mirchandani.   Ithaca : ILR Press, c2012. 

382.50973 I347
Importing from China / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

384.80973 S276
Sbardellati, John, 1973-.   J. Edgar Hoover goes to the movies : the FBI and the origins of Hollywood's Cold War / John Sbardellati.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

428.2 L6426a2
Lester, Mark.   The McGraw-Hill handbook of English grammar and usage / Mark Lester and Larry Beason.   2nd ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

468.6421 R284a2
Read & think Spanish / the editors of Think Spanish magazine.   2nd ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

492.782421 W658
Wightwick, Jane.   Arabic verb tenses / Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar.   New York : McGraw ; London : McGraw-Hill [distributor], 2012. 

510 G446a2
Gibilisco, Stan.   Everyday math demystified / Stan Gibilisco.   2nd ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

512.5 L7671
Lipschutz, Seymour.   McGraw-Hill's 500 linear algebra questions : ace your college exams / Seymour Lipschutz.   New York : McGraw-Hill c2013. 

513.12076 M9857
Muschla-Berry, Erin.   Pre-algebra / Erin Muschla-Berry.   New York : McGraw Hill, c2013. 

515.076 M5376
Mendelson, Elliott.   McGraw-Hill's 500 calculus questions : ace your college exams / Elliott Mendelson.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

540.76 G6183
Goldberg, David E. (David Elliott), 1932-.   McGraw-Hill's 500 college chemistry questions : ace your college exams / David E. Goldberg.   New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013. 

610 A4666
Alternative medicine / Lynn M. Zott, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 

610.285 K379
Keogh, James Edward, 1948-.   Schaum's outlines medical charting / James Keogh.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

610.289 F5274
First, do less harm : confronting the inconvenient problems of patient safety / edited by Ross Koppel and Suzanne Gordon.   Ithaca : ILR Press, 2012. 

612.82 C3216
Carson, Ralph E.   The brain fix : what's the matter with your gray matter / by Ralph Carson.   Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, c2012. 

613.25 V712
Villacorta, Manuel.   Eating free : the carb-friendly approach to lose inches, embrace your hunger, and keep the weight off for good / Manuel Villacorta.   Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, 2012. 

613.69 S8493
Stewart, Creek.   Build the perfect bug out bag : your 72-hour disaster survival kit / Creek Stewart.   Cincinnati, Ohio : Betterway Books, c2012. 

613.943 B6198
Birth control / Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

615.321 G543
Gladstar, Rosemary.   Rosemary Gladstar's medicinal herbs : a beginner's guide / by Rosemary Gladstar.   North Adams, MA : Storey Pub., 2012. 

615.5 V332
Vasey, Christopher.   The healing power of fever : your body's natural defense against disease / Christopher Vasey ; translated by Jon E. Graham.   1st U.S. ed.   Rochester, Vt. : Healing Arts Press, 2012. 

615.535 M561
Méridiens et nutripuncture. English.   Nutripuncture : stimulating the energy pathways of the body without needles / Patrick Veret ... [et al.] ; translated by Jon E. Graham.   1st U.S. ed., rev. ed.   Rochester, Vt. : Healing Arts Press, 2012. 

615.7827 M4895
Medical marijuana / Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2013. 

616.8526 E141
Eating disorders / [edited by] Margaret Haerens.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

617.7130651 O354
O'Gorman, Patricia A.   Healing trauma through self-parenting : the codependency connection / by Patricia O'Gorman and Phil Diaz.   Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c2012. 

618.20231 C8818
Coyne, Patricia D.   Maternal-newborn nursing / Patricia D. Coyne.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

621.31 A185
Acosta, Orlando N.   Power plant stability capacitors and grounding / Orlando Acosta.   New York : McGraw-Hill Professional ; London : McGraw-Hill [distributor], 2012. 

621.3916 M6138a4
Meyers, Michael, 1961-.   Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ guide to managing and troubleshooting PCs. Lab manual / Michael Meyers.   4th ed.   Emeryville, Calif. : McGraw-Hill/Osborne ; London : McGraw-Hill [distributor], 2012. 

628.1 B7647
Boulware, E. W. Bob.   Alternative water sources and wastewater management / E.W. Bob Boulware.   New York : McGraw-Hill Professional ; London : McGraw-Hill [distributor], 2011. 

641.873 F693
Forbes, Kevin.   Home brewing / Kevin Forbes.   East Petersburg, PA : Fox Chapel Pub., 2012. 

649.6 H4349
Healy, Maureen, 1972-.   Growing happy kids : how to foster inner confidence, success, and happiness / Maureen Healy.   Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c2012. 

658.314 C2644
Carbonara, Scott.   Manager's Guide to Employee Engagement / Scott Carbonara. 

658.404 C7727
Cooke, Helen, 1946-.   Perfect phrases for project management : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for delivering results on time and under budget / Helen S. Cooke, Karen Tate.   New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012. 

658.4092 R634
Robbins, James.   Nine minutes on Monday : the quick and easy way to go from manager to leader / James Robbins.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

658.478 B6683
Bodmer, Sean.   Reverse deception : organized cyber threat counter-exploitation / Sean Bodmer, Dr. Max Kilger, Gregory Carpenter, Jade Jones. 

658.812 G172
Gallo, Carmine.   The Apple experience : the secrets of delivering insanely great customer service / by Carmine Gallo.   1st ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. 

658.872 A525
Amos, James.   The Tasti D-Lite way : social media marketing lessons for building loyalty and a brand customers crave / James Amos, Jr. and BJ Emerson.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

663.3 B5342
Berry, Cyril J. J.   Homebrewed beers & stouts : full instructions for all types of classic beers, stouts, and lagers / C.J.J. Berry.   East Petersburg, PA : Fox Chapel Pub., 2011. 

683.4 G9756
GunDigest illustrated guide to modern firearms / edited by Jennifer L.S. Pearsall.   Iola, WI : Gun Digest Books, c2012. 

684.082 F9816
Fundamentals of sharpening : straight talk for today's woodworker.   East Petersburg, PA : Skills Institure Press : Distributed by Fox Chapel Pub., c2010. 

720.47 E1929
Eco-architecture / Roman Espejo, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, [2013], ©2013. 

745.5938 P4199
Peot, Margaret.   Alternative art journals / Margaret Peot.   1st ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light Books, c2012. 

746.434 S5876
Silverman, Sharon Hernes.   Crochet scarves : fabulous fashions- various techniques / Sharon Hernes Silverman ; photographs by Alan Wycheck.   1 ed.   Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, c2012. 

751.4 G814
Greenman, Geri.   Painting with mixed media / Geri Greenman and Paula Guhin.   First edition.   Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, [2012], ©2012. 

751.422 S7618
Splash 13 : alternative approaches / edited by Rachel Rubin Wolf.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2012. 

778.3 A2391b
Black & white digital photography made easy! : the all-in-one guide to taking quality photos and editing successfully using Photoshop / by editors of PhotoPlus Magazine.   East Petersburg, PA : Fox Chapel Publishing, c2012. 

778.53 U94a4
Uva, Michael.   The grip book / Michael G. Uva.   4th ed.   Burlington, MA : Focal Press, c2010. 

778.5343 B7886a4
Box, Harry C.   Set lighting technician's handbook : film lighting equipment, practice, and electrical distribution / Harry C. Box.   4th ed.   Amsterdam Boston, MA : Focal Press, c2010. 

778.5343 C122a2
Cadena, Richard.   Automated lighting : the art and science of moving light in theatre, live performance, and entertainment / Richard Cadena.   2nd ed.   Burlington, MA : Focal Press/Elsevier, c2010. 

794.81526 S9478
Sugrue, James.   Building iOS 5 games : develop and design / James Sugrue.   Berkeley, CA : Peachpit Press, c2012. 

808.02 S6516ar
Smith, James V., 1946-.   The writer's little helper : everything you need to know to write better and get published / James V. Smith, Jr.   Rev. ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2012. 

808.025 W9563a92
Writer's market.   2013 writer's market / Robert Lee Brewer, editor.   92nd annual ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest Books, c2012. 

812.5408 B5611
The best American short plays 2010-2011 / edited and with an introduction by William W. Demastes.   Milwaukee, WI : Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2012. 

813.54 S485ys
Sander, Gordon F.   Serling : the rise and twilight of TV's last angry man / Gordon F. Sander ; with a foreword by Ron Simon.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, c2011. 

813.6 C7132c
Collins, Suzanne.   Catching fire / Suzanne Collins.   1st ed.   New York : Scholastic Press, 2009. 

813.6 C7132h
Collins, Suzanne.   The Hunger Games / by Suzanne Collins.   1st ed.   New York : Scholastic Press, 2008. 

813.6 C7132m
Collins, Suzanne.   Mockingjay / Suzanne Collins.   1st ed.   New York : Scholastic Press, 2010. 

821.1080928 O73
Orme, Nicholas.   Fleas, flies, and friars : children's poetry from the Middle Ages / Nicholas Orme.   Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

822.33 G S319
Scheil, Katherine West, 1966-.   She hath been reading : women and Shakespeare clubs in America / Katherine West Scheil.   Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012. 

823.8 D548yn
Nayder, Lillian.   The other Dickens : a life of Catherine Hogarth / Lillian Nayder.   Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2011. 

909.0974927 A6584
The Arab Spring / Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2013. 

929.10285 H4984
Hendrickson, Nancy, 1947-.   Discover your family history online : a step-by-step guide to starting your genealogy search / Nancy Hendrickson.   [1st ed.].   Cincinnati, Ohio : Family Tree Books, c2012. 

930.103 W92744
The world encyclopedia of archaeology / chief consultant, Aedeen Cremin.   Richmond Hill, Ont. ; Buffalo, N.Y. : Firefly Books, 2012, c2007. 

951.056 C5396
The Chinese Cultural Revolution / Jeff Hay, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

956.054 M6275
The Middle East / Noel Merino, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

962.4043 C9324
The crisis in Darfur / Jeff Hay, book editor.   1st ed.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, 2011. 

Career Collection
Career 331.702 S5331a3
Shatkin, Laurence.   50 best jobs for your personality / Laurence Shatkin.   3rd ed.   St. Paul, MN : Jist Pub., c2012. 

Career 610.69 H4343a40
Health care careers directory 2012-2013 / American Medical Association.   40th ed.   Chicago, IL : American Medical Association, c2012. 

Juvenile Collection
E B2611c
Barnes, Brynne, 1983-.   Colors of me / written by Brynne Barnes ; illustrated by Annika M. Nelson.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2011. 

E T577t
Tillman, Nancy.   Tumford's rude noises / Nancy Tillman.   1st ed.   New York : Feiwel and Friends, 2012. 

J 363.124 F8374yv
Verstraete, Larry.   Surviving the Hindenburg / by Larry Verstraete ; illustrated by David Geister.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

J 796.352 P886ym
Michelson, Richard.   Twice as good : the story of William Powell and clearview, the only golf course designed, built and owned by an African-American / by Richard Michelson ; iIllustrated by Eric Velasquez.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

J 796.48 H5826
Herzog, Brad.   G is for gold medal : an Olympic alphabet / written by Brad Herzog and illustrated by Doug Bowles.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2011. 

J 813 C9327t
Crisp, Marty.   Titanicat / Marty Crisp ; illustrated by Robert Papp.   Chelsea, MI. : Sleeping Bear Press, c2008. 

J 813 S543s
Sheinmel, Courtney.   Stella Batts needs a new name / Courtney Sheinmel ; illustrated by Jennifer A. Bell.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

J 813 W566m
Whelan, Gloria.   Megan's year : an Irish Traveler's story / written by Gloria Whelan and illustrated by Beth Peck.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2011. 

J 910.91634 S55989
Shoulders, Debbie.   T is for Titanic : a Titanic alphabet / written by Debbie & Michael Shoulders ; illustrated by Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen.   Ann Arbor : Sleeping Bear Press, c2011. 

Reference Collection
R 338.74 A44
Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios / by Leo Troy.   Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. 

R 378.30973 P4859a17
Peterson's scholarships, grants & prizes 2013.   17th ed.   Lawrenceville, NJ : Peterson's Publishing, c2012. 

R 378.30973 P4859a30
Peterson's how to get money for college 2013.   30th ed.   Lawrenceville, NJ : Peterson's c2012. 

R 378.3402573 S3681a16
Scholarship handbook 2013.   16th ed.   New York : College Board : Distributed by Macmillan, c2012. 

R 378.73 B2776a30
Barron's profiles of American colleges 2013 / compiled and edited by the College Division of Barron's Educational Series.   30th ed.   Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, c2012. 

R 378.73 P4859a43
Peterson's two-year colleges 2013.   43rd ed.   Lawrenceville, NJ : Peterson's Pub., c2012. 

R 378.73 P4859a43
Peterson's four-year colleges, 2013 / Bernadette Webster, Managing Editor.   43rd ed.   Lawrenceville, N.J. : Peterson's Publishing, c2012. 

R 640.73 C75
Consumer reports buying guide issue.   New York, Consumers Union of United States.