Thursday, May 02, 2013

New titles : May 2, 2013

New Titles

May 2, 2013


001.9 M1295a3
McConnachie, James.   The rough guide to conspiracy theories / by James McConnachie.   3rd ed.   London : Rough Guides, 2013. 

004 I648h
Hart-Davis, Guy.   iPad geekery : 50 insanely cool hacks and mods for your Apple tablet / Guy Hart-Davis.   New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013. 

004.6782 T2557
Technology and the cloud / David Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

005.446 M1524m
Morris, Heather (Technical author).   The healthy Mac : preventive care, practical diagnostics, and proven remedies / Heather Morris, Joli Ballew.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

005.446 W7656m
Matthews, Martin S.   Windows 8 quicksteps / Marty Matthews.   New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013. 

006.754 Z942yw
Walter, Ekaterina.   Think like Zuck : the five business secrets of Facebook's improbably brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg / Ekaterina Walter. 

025.063 W663
WikiLeaks / Tamara Thompson, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 


130 P223
Paranormal phenomena / Roman Espejo, book editor. 

133.8 C2958
Carpenter, James (James C.).   First sight : ESP and parapsychology in everyday life / James C. Carpenter.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2012. 

155.232 P4636
Perry, John, 1943-.   The art of procrastination : a guide to effective dawdling, lollygagging, and postponing / John Perry.   New York : Workman, c2012. 

172.2 C7498
Congressional ethics / Joe Tardiff and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

174.297954 I732
Is selling body parts ethical? / Christine Watkins, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

174.907 M4891
Media ethics / Noël Merino, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 


302.231 C6222
Claypoole, Ted, 1963-.   Protecting your internet identity : are you naked online? / Ted Claypoole and Theresa Payton ; foreword by Chris Swecker.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

302.3 F8377
Franzini, Louis R., 1941-.   Just kidding : using humor effectively / Louis R. Franzini.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

302.343 S9128
Strauss, Susan, 1946-.   Sexual harassment and bullying : a guide to keeping kids safe and holding schools accountable / Susan L. Strauss.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

303.4833 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   The digital divide / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, 2013. 

305.40973 F983a2
Furchtgott-Roth, Diana.   Women's figures : an illustrated guide to the economic progress of women in America / Diana Furchtgott-Roth.   2nd ed.   Washington, D.C. : AEI Press, c2012. 

306.766 H7688
Homosexuality / David Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors. 

320.73082 W87245
Women in politics / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

323 C5824
Civil Liberties / Noel Merino, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

323 H9185
Human rights / David Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors. 

323 P2524yt
Theoharis, Jeanne.   The rebellious life of Mrs. Rosa Parks / Jeanne Theoharis.   Boston : Beacon Press, c2013. 

323.490951 P4199
The People's Republic of China / Jeff Hay, book editor.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

325.73 S536
Shaw-Taylor, Yoku.   Immigration, assimilation, and border security / Yoku Shaw-Taylor.   Lanham, Md. : Government Institutes, 2012. 

328.73 T539yc
Crespino, Joseph.   Strom Thurmond's America / Joseph Crespino.   1st ed.   New York : Hill and Wang, 2012. 

331.42153 A678
Are women paid fairly? / Jennifer Dorman, [editor].   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

333.794 G446
Gibilisco, Stan.   Alternative energy demystified / Stan Gibilisco.   Second edition. 

333.95 B6152
Biodiversity / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

338.27282 F7146
Foreign oil dependence / Ronald D. Lankford, Jr., book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

338.2728209 B6272
Black, Brian, 1966-.   Crude reality : petroleum in world history / Brian C. Black.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

338.47796 A678
Are players' unions good for professional sports leagues? / Thomas Riggs and company, book editor.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

338.5 D644
Dodge, Eric R.   McGraw-Hill's 500 macroeconomics questions : ace your college exams / Eric R. Dodge and Melanie E. Fox.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

338.5 D644i
Dodge, Eric R.   McGraw-Hill's 500 microeconomics questions : ace your college exams / Eric R. Dodge and Melanie E. Fox.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

338.9173 I731
Is foreign aid necessary? / David Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

338.97302 A678
Are government bailouts effective? / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2012. 

339.20973 O157
The occupy movement / Stefan Kiesbye.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

342.73029 V699
Vile, John R.   The writing and ratification of the U.S. Constitution : practical virtue in action / John R. Vile.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

345.73 C5681
Cicchini, Michael D., 1967-.   Tried and convicted : how police, prosecutors, and judges destroy our constitutional rights / Michael D. Cicchini.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

355.4 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   Cyberwarfare / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

362.10684 D5855
Dinkin, Steven.   The exchange strategy for managing conflict in health care : how to defuse emotions and create solutions when the stakes are high / Steven P. Dinkin, Barbara Filner, Lisa Maxwell. 

362.108697 H6465a2
Hill, Janelle.   The wounded warrior handbook : a resource guide for returning veterans / Janelle Hill, Cheryl Lawhorne, and Don Philpott.   2nd ed.   Lanham, Md. : Government Institutes, 2012. 

362.10973 L799
Lobosky, Jeffrey M., 1951-.   It's enough to make you sick : the failure of American health care and a prescription for the cure / Jeffrey M. Lobosky.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012. 

362.1783 O681
Organ donation / Margaret Haerens, book editor.   Detroit, Mich. : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

362.25 D4319
Derevensky, Jeffrey L.   Teen gambling : understanding a growing epidemic / Jeffrey L. Derevensky.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

362.25 M8186
Mooney, Carla, 1970- author.   Depressive disorders / Carla Mooney. 

362.27 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   Impulse control disorders / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

362.294 N431
Nelson, Sheila.   Hallucinogens : unreal visions / Sheila Nelson.   Broomall, Pa.: Mason Crest Publishers, c2013. 

362.2995 E849
Etingoff, Kim.   Methamphetamine : unsafe speed / by Kim Etingoff.   Philadelphia : Mason Crest Publishers, c2012. 

362.7340973 A678
Are adoption policies fair? / Christine Watkins, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

363.2876 U841
US airport security / Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott, book editors. 

363.325 J666
Johnson, Daryl, 1969-.   Right wing resurgence : how a domestic terrorist threat is being ignored / Daryl Johnson.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

363.325 S743e
Spellman, Frank R.   Energy infrastructure protection and homeland security / Frank R. Spellman and Revonna M. Bieber.   Lanham, Md. : Government Institutes/Scarecrow Press, 2010. 

363.325 S743n
Spellman, Frank R.   Nuclear infrastructure protection and homeland security / Frank R. Spellman and Melissa L. Stoudt.   Lanham, MD : Government Institutes, c2011. 

363.3250967 D1861
Daniels, Christopher L., 1982-.   Somali piracy and terrorism in the Horn of Africa / Christopher L. Daniels.   Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2012. 

363.34 N2851
Natural disasters / Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

363.410973 S55988
Should the legal drinking age be lowered? / Stefan Kiesbye, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

364.168 C994
Cybercrime / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. 

364.168 P7666
Policing the internet / Roman Espejo, book editor.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

366.1 R6664
Robison, John, 1739-1805.   Proofs of a conspiracy.   Boston, Western Islands [1967]. 

368.42 M4897
Medicare / Debra A. Miller, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

371.33 W5554
What is the role of technology in education? / Judeen Bartos, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

373.12913 S8496
Stewart, Gail B. (Gail Barbara), 1949-.   Teenage dropouts / Gail B. Stewart.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

374.0124 W8765
Wood, John, 1964 Jan. 29-.   Creating Room to Read : a story of hope in the battle for global literacy / John Wood.   New York : Viking, 2013. 

379.2630976 B3666
Beals, Melba.   Warriors don't cry : a searing memoir of the battle to integrate Little Rock's Central High / Melba Pattillo Beals.   1st Washington Square Press trade pbk.   New York : Washington Square Press, 1995, c1994. 

382.71 F8533
Free trade / Ann Aubrey Hanson and Lynn M. Zott, book editors.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

388.0973 T7728
Transportation infrastructure / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2012. 

388.3210835 T2584
Teen driving / Michele Siuda Jacques, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 


510.212 S7552a4
Spiegel, Murray R.   Mathematical handbook of formulas and tables / Murray R. Spiegel, Seymour Lipschutz, John Liu.   4th ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

510.9 R7777
Rooney, Anne.   The history of mathematics / Anne Rooney.   1st ed.   New York : Rosen Pub., 2013. 

512.13 M1337
McCune, Sandra K.   McGraw-Hill's 500 precalculus questions : ace your college exams / Sandra McCune, William Clark.   New York ; London : McGraw-Hill Professional, c2013. 

519.2076 S7552a4
Spiegel, Murray R.   Probability and statistics / Murray R. Spiegel, John J. Schiller, R. Alu Srinivasan.   4th ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

523.8 K521
King, A. R.   Stars : a very short introduction / Andrew King.   1st ed.   Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012. 

530.09 R7777
Rooney, Anne.   The history of physics / Anne Rooney.   1st ed.   New York : Rosen Pub., 2013. 

573.76 W759
Winchester, Simon.   Skulls : an exploration of Alan Dudley's curious collection / Simon Winchester ; photography by Nick Mann.   New York : Black Dog & Leventhal , c2012. 


610.73 J764
Jones, Carolyn (Carolyn Elizabeth).   The American nurse : photographs and interviews / by Carolyn Jones.   First edition. 

612.75 G9761a6
Gunn, Christine.   Bones and joints : a guide for students / Chris Gunn.   6th ed.   Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2012. 

612.8 Y735
Young, John K.   Hunger, thirst, sex, and sleep : how the brain controls our passions / John K. Young.   Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

613.2 F341
Fenster, Michael S., 1964-.   Eating well, living better : the grassroots gourmet guide to good health and great food / Michael S. Fenster.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012. 

613.2 I732
Is the Western diet making the world sick? / Susan Hunnicutt, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

613.2 K425
Kessler, David A., 1951-.   Your food is fooling you : how your brain is hijacked by sugar, fat, and salt / David A. Kessler ; adapted by Richie Chevat from The end of overeating.   1st ed.   New York : Roaring Brook Press, 2012. 

613.71 B696a3
Bompa, Tudor O.   Serious strength training / Tudor O. Bompa, Mauro Di Pasquale, Lorenzo J. Cornacchia.   3rd ed.   Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2013. 

613.71 C7973
Core strength training : the complete step-by-step guide to a stronger body and better posture for men and women.   1st American ed.   New York : DK, 2013. 

613.710844 L7169
Liebman, Hollis.   Anatomy of exercise for 50+ / Hollis Lance Liebman.   Richmond Hill, Ont. : Firefly Books, 2012. 

616.398 A3985
Ali, Naheed, 1981-.   The obesity reality : a comprehensive approach to a growing problem / Naheed Ali.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012. 

616.69206 D4576
Designer babies / Clay Farris Naff, [book editor]. 

616.831 B4355
Bell, Virginia.   A dignified life : the best friends approach to Alzheimer's care : a guide for care partners / Virginia Bell and David Troxel.   Rev. and expanded.   Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c2012. 

616.85223 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   Panic disorder / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

616.85263 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951- author.   Bulimia / Peggy J. Parks. 

616.8584 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   Online addiction / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

616.8606 W1799
Walker, Ida.   Addiction treatment : escaping the trap / Ida Walker.   Philadelphia : Mason Crest Publishers, 2013. 

616.861 W1799
Walker, Ida.   Alcohol addiction : not worth the buzz / by Ida Walker.   Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest, c2013. 

617.1027 P2524
Parks, Peggy J., 1951-.   Sports injuries / Peggy J. Parks.   San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2013. 

618.2 C141
Calais-Germain, Blandine.   Preparing for a gentle birth : the pelvis in pregnancy / Blandine Calais-Germain and Núria Vives Parés ; translated by Martine Curtis Oakes.   1st U.S. ed.   Rochester, Vt. : Healing Arts Press, 2012. 

621.381078 D7246
Dossis, Nick.   Basic electronics for tomorrow's inventors / Nick Dossis.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

621.3893 E932
Everest, F. Alton (Frederick Alton), 1909-2005.   Handbook of sound studio construction : rooms for recording and listening / F. Alton Everest, Ken C. Pohlmann.   New ed.   New York : McGraw-Hill ; [London : McGraw-Hill [distributor]], c2013. 

623.443 A983
Ayoob, Massad F.   The Gun Digest book of concealed carry / Massad Ayoob.   2nd ed.   Iola, Wis. : Krause ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2012. 

636.70887 T313
Tenzin-Dolma, Lisa.   The heartbeat at your feet : a practical, compassionate new way to train your dog / Lisa Tenzin-Dolma.   Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012. 

641.5 R6431
Roberts, Adam D.   Secrets of the best chefs : recipes, techniques, and tricks from America's greatest cooks / Adam Roberts.   New York : Artisan, c2012. 

641.563 B9954
Byrn, Anne.   Unbelievably gluten-free! : dinner dishes you never thought you'd be able to eat again / Anne Byrn ; photographs by Lucy Schaeffer.   New York : Workman Pub., c2012. 

649.1 P2285
Parenting / Roman Espejo, book editor.   Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

658.4 S5282
Shambaugh, Rebecca.   Make room for her : why companies need an integrated leadership model to achieve extraordinary results / Rebecca Shambaugh.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

658.4058 M6216
Michaels, Daven.   Outsource smart : be your own boss-- without letting your business become the boss of you / by Daven Michaels.   New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013. 

660.65 G3283
Genetic engineering / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

683.80288 K646a3
Kleinert, Eric.   Troubleshooting and repairing major appliances / Eric Kleinert.   Third Edition. 


706.88 C273
Carey, Brainard.   New markets for artists : how to sell, fund projects, and exhibit using social media, DIY pop-ups, eBay, Kickstarter, and much more / Brainard Carey. 

737.22 P9459
Price, Judith, 1942-.   Lest we forget : masterpieces of patriotic jewelry and military decorations / Judith Price.   Lanham, Md. : Taylor Trade Pub. : Distributed by National Book Network, c2011. 

739.27 C986
Cushman, Jen.   Making metal jewelry : how to stamp, forge, form and fold metal jewelry designs / Jen Cushman.   1st ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2013. 

739.270932 A3651
Aldred, Cyril.   Jewels of the Pharaohs : Egyptian jewelry of the Dynastic Period / Cyril Aldred ; special photography in Cairo by Albert Shoucair.   1st Ballantine Books ed.   New York : Ballantine Books, 1978. 

741.5973 F8297
Frankenhoff, Brent.   The greatest comic book covers of all time / [edited and written by Brent Frankenhoff and Maggie Thompson].   Iola, WI : Krause Pub. ; F+W Media, Inc., c2012. 

746.432041 C6145
Classic knits : more than 100 beautiful projects.   1st American ed.   New York, N.Y. : DK Pub., 2013. 

751.422 G8841
Groves, Elizabeth, 1942-.   Exploring watercolor : creative exercises and techniques for painting with watermedia / Elizabeth Groves.   1st pbk. ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2012. 

751.46 B4533
Belto, Michelle.   Wax and paper workshop : techniques for combining encaustic paint and handmade paper / Michelle Belto.   1st ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light Books, c2012. 

757 W7763
Winner, Luana Luconi.   Painting classic portraits : great faces step by step / by Luana Luconi Winner.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light ; Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor], 2013. 

770 T9676
Tuttle, Susan, 1971-.   Photo craft : creative mixed-media and digital approaches to transforming your photographs / Susan Tuttle and Christy Hydeck.   1st ed.   Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light ; [Newton Abbot : David & Charles [distributor]], c2012. 

780.9 D2655ar
Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson), 1883-1961, ed.   Historical anthology of music, by Archibald T. Davison and Willi Apel.   Rev. ed.   Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1949-1950. 

782 R653ys
Swindall, Lindsey R., 1977-.   Paul Robeson : a life of activism and art / Lindsey R. Swindall. 

784.2 H754
Holoman, D. Kern, 1947-.   The orchestra : a very short introduction / D. Kern Holoman.   New York : Oxford University Press, c2012. 

796.357 G959
Guilliams, Todd, 1966-.   High-scoring baseball / Todd Guilliams.   Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2013. 

796.939 T347
Teter, Hannah.   Mastering snowboarding / Hannah Teter, Tawnya Schultz.   Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2013. 

799.1240977 W436
Weixlmann, Karl.   Great Lakes steelhead, salmon, and trout : essential techniques for fly fishing the tributaries / Karl Weixlmann.   1st ed.   Mechanicsburg, Pa. : Stackpole Books, c2009. 


813.52 S8197
Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968.   The grapes of wrath / John Steinbeck.   New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 1999. 

822.33 F D927
Dunton-Downer, Leslie.   Essential Shakespeare handbook / Leslie Dunton-Downer, Alan Riding.   New York : DK Publishing, c2013. 


929.1072 T2444
Taylor, Maureen Alice.   Family photo detective : learn how to find genealogy clues in old photos and solve family photo mysteries / Maureen A. Taylor.   Cincinnati, Ohio : Family Tree Books, c2013. 

930.1 B1515a2
Bahn, Paul G.   Archaeology : a very short introduction / Paul Bahn ; with illustrations by Bill Tidy.   2 edition ; fully updated new edition. 

947.0841 W7547yr
Richard, Carl J., author.   When the United States invaded Russia : Woodrow Wilson's Siberian disaster / Carl J. Richard. 

949.7103154 K865
Kosovo / Noah Berlatsky, book editor.   Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press ; Detroit : Gale, Cengage Learning, c2013. 

954.920514 E133
East Pakistan / Noah Berlatsky, book editor ; Frank Chaulk, consulting editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2013. 

959.704348 B8383
Brennan, John, 1948-.   Vietnam War helicopter art : U.S. Army rotor aircraft / John Brennan ; foreword by Chris Evans.   Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, ©2012. 

967.6104 U26
Uganda / Myra Immell, book editor ; Frank Chalk, consulting editor.   Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2013. 

970.00497 B8196
Brandon, William, 1914-2002.   The rise and fall of North American Indians : from prehistory through Geronimo / William Brandon.   1st pbk. ed.   Lanham : Roberts Rinehart, 2013. 

973.520896 S6483
Smith, Gene A., 1963-.   The slaves' gamble : choosing sides in the War of 1812 / Gene Allen Smith.   First edition. 

973.7 L736yme
Masur, Louis P.   Lincoln's Hundred Days : The Emancipation Proclamation and the war for the Union / Louis P. Masur. 

977.4 L3513
The late Detroit riot.   Hattiesburg : Book Farm, 1945. 

978.02 C3451yj
Jameson, W. C., 1942-.   Butch Cassidy : beyond the grave / W.C. Jameson.   Lanham, Md. : Taylor Trade Publishing, c2012. 

998 D642
Dodds, Klaus.   The Antarctic : a very short introduction / Klaus Dodds.   1st ed.   Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012. 

Career Collection

Career 331.702 S5331
Shatkin, Laurence.   150 best jobs for the military-to-civilian transition / Laurence Shatkin.   St. Paul, MN : Jist Works c2013. 

Career 610.73 T4588
Thomas, Lisa Mauri.   Landing your perfect nursing job / Lisa Mauri Thomas.   Indianapolis, IN : Sigma Theta Tau International, c2013. 


DVD 330 F849
Freakonomics [videorecording] : the movie : six rogue filmmakers explore the hidden side of everything.   Widescreen.   [Australia] : Madman Entertainment, 2011, c2010. 

DVD 530 G777
The Gravity-packed world of physics [videorecording] / producer, Lara Hopewell ; writer, Stacy Ison ; comic writer, Igor Torgeson ; director, Robert Deege.   [Falls Church, Va.] : Cerebellum Corp., c1999. 

DVD 709.0409 D782
Driven by vision. [videorecording] Volume 1. / Written and directed by Michael McNamara; producers, Judy Holm, Michael McNamara; directors of photography, Jim Borecki, James Griffith.   [Toronto, Ont.] : Markham Street Films, [200-?]. 

DVD 791.4372 T9713
Twelfth night (Motion picture : 1996).   Twelfth night, or, What you will [videorecording] / BBC Films, Summit Entertainment, Circus Films, Fine Line Features presents a Renaissance Films production ; by William Shakespeare ; produced by Stephen Evans and David Parfitt ; screenplay by Trevor Nunn ; directed by Trevor Nunn.   Chatsworth, CA : Distributed by Image Entertainment, c2005. 

Juvenile Collection

E B8384
Brennan-Nelson, Denise.   Maestro Stu saves the zoo / written by Denise Brennah-Nelson ; illustrated by Tim Bowers.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

E M1677s
McMillan, Gordon, 1984-.   Scout / words and pictures by Gordon McMillan.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

E M9961
Myer, Andy.   Delia's dull day : an incredibly boring story / by Andy Myer.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

E S5355
Shaw, Nancy (Nancy E.).   Elena's story / Nancy Shaw ; [illustrations by] Kristina Rodanas.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, 2012. 

E S5394h
Shea, Kevin, 1956-.   H is for hockey : an NHL alumni alphabet / written by Kevin Shea ; illustrated by Ken Dewar.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

E T9713
Twelve days of Christmas (English folk song).   The twelve days of Christmas / [illustrated by] Dan Andreasen.   Ann Arbor, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, c2012. 

J 597.96 W911
Woodward, John.   Everything you need to know about snakes : and other scaly reptiles / [written by John Woodward].   1st American ed.   New York, N.Y. : DK Pub., 2013. 

J 811.54 S5878¾
Silverstein, Shel.   A light in the attic / Shel Silverstein.   Special ed.   New York : Harper, c2009. 

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